诚征Atlanta地区愿意组成play group的Working Moms
觉得朋友的这个做法很好,想如法炮制。一群New Moms组成Play Group,Babies一起玩,大人可以交流经验。可惜她们Week Day 聚会,我不能参加。 这里诚征Atlanta地区愿意组成play group的Working Moms。目前我们已有几个,babies5个月到11个月,家住Norcross/Alpheretta/Roswell... I suggest all Moms host the gather-together by turns, like every other weekend. As a hostess, you need to arrange and announce the time, place, what to bring, (theme of the event), share the baby care tips, interested invents, shopping promotion... And you need to consider a topic every MOm could discuss every time...? I could have a group blog/calendar voluntarily. 有意者请和我联系。 Emma ( [email protected] ) 多谢!!