来美国第一次被一个黑人女的从麦当劳追出来喊“go back" 是多年前,具体怎么回事不记得了,那个时候还不知道该怎么反击。今天又碰上了,在科学博物馆。一对白人夫妻带一个小男孩。因为是春假,人非常多,干什么都要排队。儿子排了半天终于轮到他了,白人男和小孩过来就把儿子推到一边,自己开始大讲基因组合,我说请到后面排队。白女冲过来就喊”zip up".
Me: " you'd better not educate your kid like this."
She: “learn your language and go back to where you are."
Me: " why not you go back to Europe and return the stolen land to Indian"
She: "I was born here, you go back"
Me: "go back to learn some history first"
女的就人高马大的压过来要打人的样子,我把儿子藏身后,“so what, hit me?" 白男把白女拉走。过后一个白人小姑娘跑过来跟我说“she is a racist".
Me: " you'd better not educate your kid like this."
She: “learn your language and go back to where you are."
Me: " why not you go back to Europe and return the stolen land to Indian"
She: "I was born here, you go back"
Me: "go back to learn some history first"
女的就人高马大的压过来要打人的样子,我把儿子藏身后,“so what, hit me?" 白男把白女拉走。过后一个白人小姑娘跑过来跟我说“she is a racist".