second this.
3, no choice, so the mother decide and abortion is OK
If mum's life is in danger, it chould be some complications caused by pregnancy and can not be foreseen. In that case, abortion should be performed.
so you mean "it" becomes a life of its own the second a lucky sperm gets into an egg?
just curious, where do we draw the line here? undoubtedly, before conception, cells in themselves are not lives and can be killed without a problem. Women lose 1 egg per month and it is natural and not a crime. Men lose millions of sperms per month and it is not a crime. Undoubtedly, after birth the child becomes an individual and is protected by law. But when, between conception and birth, does the fetus become a life, and not a bunch of cells?
anything with a heartbeat is not just a bunch of cells. If you can stop it the monent sperm go to egg, then that's fine with me.
some nice comments from a not so good website:
http://www.cclw.net/other/duotai.html卵细胞从卵巢排出后的存活时间为 24 小时,精子必须首先经过化学变化,获得能育力,才能推入卵细胞,使卵子受精,受精卵称为合子,合子以倍数的方式进行细胞分裂。6-7 天后,受精卵植入子宫,妊娠第二周合子成为胚胎,3-4 周后心脏泵血,5-6 周后呈现器官,第 8 周出现脑电波,手指和脚趾可以辨认,胚胎改称为胎儿。12-16 周出现胎动,16-20 周可听到心跳,20-40 周则体积增长,20-28 周成为「可存洋的胎儿,40 周则可分娩。
I think the timeline is about right. usually when you notice the menstruation is delayed and show positive result in pregnancy test, the hearbeat has already started.
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