CLB 2-4 week routine
6:45am: express 2-3oz from one side (if growth spur, express 1-2oz) (if feed 5am or 6 am, express 3oz)
7am: open curtain, unswaddle, let baby wake up naturally, change diaper, full breast: 20-25min, other breast 10-15min (if feed 5am or 6 am, other breast: 20-25min)
9am: change diaper, close curtain, swaddle, let baby settle to sleep.
9:45am: express 2oz from the not-full breast (if growth spur, express 1 oz)
10am: open curtain, unswaddle, let baby wake up naturally, full breast: 20-25min, change diaper, other breast 10-15min
12pm: change diaper, close curtain, swaddle, let baby settle to sleep
2pm: open curtain, unswaddle, let baby wake up naturally, change diaper, full breast: 20-25min, other breast 10-15min
4pm: change diaper, close curtain, swaddle, let baby settle to sleep
5pm: open curtain, unswaddle, let baby wake up naturally, full breast: 20min
6pm: bath
6:15pm: other breast: 20-25min in dim light (close curtain)
7pm: swaddle, let baby settle to sleep
10pm: turn on light, unswaddle, let baby wake up naturally, full breast: 20min, change diaper, swaddle, turn off light, other breast: 20min
Night: dim light, change diaper if absolutely necessary
if wake up before 4am, 20 mins both breast
if wake up 5am, one breast, second one at 7am
if wake up 6am, one breast, second one at 7:30am