以下是引用radray101在6/19/2012 12:18:00 PM的发言:
Strongly disagree. 超声波is a great initial diagnostic tool and can provide a great deal of anatomic and pathologic information of both uterus and ovaries.
If it's fibroids (纤维瘤), depends on size and location, you can be candidate for myomectomy(只切纤维瘤), hysterectomy (切子宫), or minimally invasive procedure such as uterine artery embolization (UAE) in which case you preserve the organ and relieve from symptoms 。
If there is question of adenomyosis, MRI can help to confirm it and show extend of the disease.
Same work up for ovaries, ultrasound and possibly MRI.
以下是引用radray101在6/19/2012 12:34:00 PM的发言: i doubt you ever talked to the radiologist who read your ultrasound. Size and number of cysts are rarely reported. Recent trend is not to report any simple cyst less than 5cm. The exception is polycystic ovarian syndrome where morphology is described, number would be reported as greater than 10 or something like that.