lz不用绝望, 给你说个励志的, 这只是个时间问题...
其实很多到了一定年龄的男人去测,jz 结果都不会很好的, 我当初看了老公的结果, 也以为找到了原因...
FSH是8.6, 在10以下, 不错啊...
医生说得太绝对了, 我做了3次试管, 都失败了, 医生口口声声说没希望了, 要用donor egg, 最后我还是以39岁高龄自然怀上的, 女儿非常健康可爱.
I will do the IUI next month. my FSH is 8.1, my lg's normal morphology is 45% (lower than reference range 60-100%). My lg's volume and motility is quite good. We are too old to have a baby. :-(
My doctor suggested 30% and above will be ok to do IUI. He said do not pay attention to only one value, it should be viewed combining with all the parameters. Enough high volume and better motibility can deduct the lower value of normal morphology. That means the higher volume of sperms, the more normal sperm volume.
Anyhow, we have been prepared for preganancy for two years. Feel very frustrated.
Bless LZmm. hope we could get pregant soon. We are in the same boat.
By the way, as other mm suggested, you could take FertilAid for Men, which I ordered online for my LG.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/13 16:00:47编辑过]