发信人: mir (rebates), 信区: PennySaver
标? 题: 大妈斑竹mark一下吧 free $20 grocery from
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun? 5 18:43:14 2011, 美东)
shaws, maybe albertsons...
this is confirmed in shaws (not on flyer) but on the gift card rack there is
the AD
buy $100 or more gift card (excludes shaws, visa master amex) get $20 grocer
y coupon for next purchase.
if you buy 100 get 20, 200 get 40, etc, says need to use shaws card. coupon
expire 1 week after printed
so if you have any gift card to purchase, then good, you get free $20 grocer
y. if you don't need any gift card, buy amazon and sell 96% on fleamarket.
discover card offering 5% cashback on grocery purchase in June (have to regi
ster first), up to $200 purchase. so if you have discover card, you get $20
grocery free.
i know shaws grocery is way expensive, but free is free, you can pick up 2 r
ed lobersters at least.
good luck!