$2.00 Rite Aid Central-Vite Multivitamins 300 ct
谁把这个$2.00 Rite Aid Central-Vite Multivitamins 300 ct弄成省纸版的?
发信人: shopper2 (带着胖子流浪的小车 ⊙胖⊙), 信区: pingan
标 题: share一个RA丢
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 11 11:57:50 2011, 美东)
from SD:
The RA Central-Vite vitamins are a really good deal this week with the BOGO
and the $2 coupon. They start at $6.99 so 6 of them would be $20.97, minus $
12.00 in RA Q's and a $10 Up when you buy $20 makes them a MM. Has anyone
done a mpp of these by any chance?