1. kokashi,taohanhan mm 加:‘处于对价格的考虑我倾向于买英国kobashi的,我刚买了1升的,快递来时我妈妈吓了一跳一直问是什么啊,是白色塑料瓶,有点像洗洁精的瓶子呵呵,香味和效果都很满意,准备再去买奥图玫瑰的呢。价格适中。’
2. http://www.newdirectionsaromatics.com/index.php,新人报道兼第一次花水购买经历
3. Florial, 在Florial买花水,惊喜我的红血丝减淡了
4. http://www.libertynatural.com/, 在Oregon 刚发现一个精油花水的网站,在Oregon, USA。
5. http://www.flowerwaters.com/rosewater.phtml
6. http://www.bulgarianlavenderoil.com/lavenderwater.html 熏衣草花水
8. http://www.alittleolfactory.com/nerolihydrosol.htm 看起来很不错,橙花花水是我的must-have。。。所以我第又发信问了owner Chris关于质量,她的回答:While I cannot answer your question about whether folks here think I have good quality stuff, I can say that I've been around for over 7 years now, and have customers in over 20 countries outside the US .... {grinz} As for the Neroli hydrosol produced by this particular distiller ... I've sold close to a ton of it (literally) since we began acquiring it about a year and half ago or so. It would appear my customers are liking it :) 因为从来灭有从这里买过,我又发信问了几个其他insider,都是老美。。。(1)Quality is great! Seller is great as well, good service and as fast as they are able to be. Anita (2) I can vouch for Chris, she's the best~! And her stuff is top notch, I dont' know how she does it but it's absolutely the bestest quality~ Sure wish I could afford some soap supplies right now. I'm going through the dt's. I lost 75.00 in the mail~ what an idiot~ I didn't have time to run and get a m/o for an order so I just sent cash~ duh, hey someone also stole our trailor last night. Poor dh, how's he gonna get his 4 wheeler to the property this year, now we'll have to get a new stinkin trailor~more soap money down the drain~sindy ps ha! that's to funny, I didn't even see that till I scrolled down to delete ~lol~ (3) Chris' stuff is the bomb diggity! I've NEVER been disappointed. The goodies I get from her are almost always turned into my personal stash and hoarded for my own use.
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