A- number 是不是在公民纸上的A打头的号码? 你公民都办好了,连A number都不知道吗 If the beneficiary is your brother/sister, are you related by adoption? 我是 申请父母,选no还是什么都不选? 不回答 Part 2, employment history里的employer 1。上一个公司我是辞职的,是不是也写 unemployed. 43a-45b什么也不填? 你所有的工作历史 Was the beneficiary EVER in the United States? 父母现在人在美国,选yes? yes Beneficiary’s employment information 父母亲都已退休,51a填retired,还是None? retired If you are also submitting separate petitions for other relatives, provide the names of and your relationship to each relative. 我帮父母一起申请,那 在帮父亲申请的130表上要填母亲的信息,对吗? 都是单独的申请,不要填