就是,这个绝对不是婚姻失败的歌。看wiki还有人说这是讲上帝的爱呢,这些都是仁者见仁的事。而且tunnel of love 就是跟激流勇进差不多的ride,黑不拉叽的两个couple进去给创造贴贴抱抱的机会。如果说歌大家一般耳熟能详的就是the boss bruce springsteen的这首。印衣服的厂家印个婚姻失败的message不可能的呀。
前面加了小数点的那位,不好意思,只看whole number清零也屏蔽了。
mulberries 发表于 2021-07-29 00:36
要看写歌的背景。这是Bruce Springsteen第一次婚姻失败期间创作的。
He used the "Tunnel Of Love" ride as a metaphor for the ups and downs of a relationship. He was having problems with his first marriage at the time, and would later divorce Julianne Phillips. This is the title track to an album Springsteen recorded mostly by himself in his home studio in Rumson, New Jersey.