- 被迫加入
- 16岁之前断绝关系
The burden of proof to establish admissibility when seeking an immigration benefit is always on the applicant.[48] The burden never shifts to the Government at any time during adjudication
helloterran4 发表于 2024-11-12 16:10
zzsummer 发表于 2024-11-12 16:14首先不会enforce,再者,不是所有人都是党员吧
fucka 发表于 2024-11-12 16:18不是所有人都是党员
The burden of proof to establish admissibility when seeking an immigration benefit is always on the applicant.[48] The burden never shifts to the Government at any time during adjudication
helloterran4 发表于 2024-11-12 16:08
Affiliation includes more than mere interest or sympathy for an organization but may also be accompanied by some positive and voluntary action that provides support, money, or another thing of value
看到没有 interest/sympathy/voluntary这些全都是你心里面主观的东西 全靠你自由心证
如果你有这些想法 请你如实填写YES
如果你没有这些想法 只是被共产党管理过 不算affiliation
你这样鼓吹参加过少先队的人就要他们填YES 目的是让这些主动承认自己有interest 有sympathy 还voluntarily support。你真的确定这些人有interest/sympathy/voluntary support吗?
还有不少人像我一样是军训过的吗? 有一段风声鹤唳,大家都说把军训的照片藏好了。。。
填YES或者填NO 这个本来就是自由心证 自己觉得affiliated就affiliated 自己不觉得就不觉得 你不要把人带偏。 这个答案不同于membership. Membership是一个明确的客观事实。
因为affliation指的是以出钱出力或者其他方式支持某个组织 强调的是sympathy和voluntory 这些都是移民局明文规定的。Affiliation includes more than mere interest or sympathy for an organization but may also be accompanied by some positive and voluntary action that provides support, money, or another thing of value
一个人参加过少先队 不等于他主动做出了正面的行为去支持了共产党。
Wanfeiche 发表于 2024-11-12 11:07
1 member 或 affiliate
2 共黨 或隨附組織
(member or affiliate) and of( CCP or 隨附組織)
所以 member of 隨附組織 也算
也就是說 你只要是 隨附組織的 成員 也算
少先隊 畢竟未成年 不能為自己負責 事後要退出
但 團派 特別是十八歲以上的中國共產主義青年團團員 應該是逃不掉了
共青團員 七千多萬啊
中國共產主義青年團申請人的加入年齡必須介於14歲至28歲間[5],共青團同時還主導和監督以14歲以下兒童組成的先鋒組織中國少年先鋒隊[3]。截至2023年12月底,全國共有共青團員7416.7萬名,共青團組織431.6萬個。 其中,團的地方委員會0.3萬個,基層團(工)委19.3萬個,團(總)支部412.0萬個。 學校團組織190.5萬個,團員3824.5萬名;企業團組織91.0萬個,團員721.0萬名;機關事業單位團組織36.0萬個,團員441.9萬名;城市街道、鄉鎮、社區(居委會)、行政村團組織94.2萬個,團員2173.7萬名;社會組織和其他領域團組織19.9萬個,團員255.6萬名。[6]中國共產主義青年團是世界上規模最大的青年組織之一。
phlin 发表于 2024-11-12 21:08選項
1 member 或 affiliate
2 共黨 或隨附組織
(member or affiliate) and of( CCP or 隨附組織)
所以 member of 隨附組織 也算
也就是說 你只要是 隨附組織的 成員 也算
少先隊 畢竟未成年 不能為自己負責 事後要退出
但 團派 特別是十八歲以上的中國共產主義青年團團員 應該是逃不掉了
共青團員 七千多萬啊
中國共產主義青年團申請人的加入年齡必須介於14歲至28歲間[5],共青團同時還主導和監督以14歲以下兒童組成的先鋒組織中國少年先鋒隊[3]。截至2023年12月底,全國共有共青團員7416.7萬名,共青團組織431.6萬個。 其中,團的地方委員會0.3萬個,基層團(工)委19.3萬個,團(總)支部412.0萬個。 學校團組織190.5萬個,團員3824.5萬名;企業團組織91.0萬個,團員721.0萬名;機關事業單位團組織36.0萬個,團員441.9萬名;城市街道、鄉鎮、社區(居委會)、行政村團組織94.2萬個,團員2173.7萬名;社會組織和其他領域團組織19.9萬個,團員255.6萬名。[6]中國共產主義青年團是世界上規模最大的青年組織之一。
CCP or 隨附組織
or 后面的内容是你自己加戏加的
问的就是是否是CCP member 或者affiliated with CCP
没有问你是不是 隨附組織 的member
中国所有的组织都是CCP的隨附組織 比如说你的小学 中学 大学 工作单位 等等
CCP or 隨附組織
or 后面的内容是你自己加戏加的
问的就是是否是CCP member 或者affiliated with CCP
没有问你是不是 隨附組織 的member
中国所有的组织都是CCP的隨附組織 比如说你的小学 中学 大学 工作单位 等等
Wanfeiche 发表于 2024-11-12 21:35
affiliates 就是隨附組織啊
phlin 发表于 2024-11-12 21:41
affiliates 就是隨附組織啊
问题不是问你 are you a member of CCP or its affiliates ?
问题里面没有affiliates这个单词 是你自己加戏加的。
问题是 are you a member of CCP or are you affiliated with CCP?
affiliated with CCP 移民局有严格定义: have interest about CCP。 have sympathy for CCP。 voluntarily did something to support CCP.
问题不是问你 are you a member of CCP or its affiliates ?
问题里面没有affiliates这个单词 是你自己加戏加的。
问题是 are you a member of CCP or are you affiliated with CCP?
affiliated with CCP 移民局有严格定义: have interest about CCP。 have sympathy for CCP。 voluntarily did something to support CCP.
Wanfeiche 发表于 2024-11-12 21:53
原文也沒有 sympathy 啊
原文是 affiliated
connected with or cotrolled
所以 共青團團員 connedted with 共青團 ( 因為是成員)
然後共青團又被 CCP controlled
胡錦濤都被拖出去了 肯定是被 controlled
我就說了 當年要是 黨 派個 原生女性的 解放軍美少女 到芝大來收編我 那我就合這條件了
可千萬別派 千年千倍自願的 蝴蝶君啊.... 特別是這網上站出來大喊自願的那幾個
原文也沒有 sympathy 啊
原文是 affiliated
connected with or cotrolled
所以 共青團團員 connedted with 共青團 ( 因為是成員)
然後共青團又被 CCP controlled
胡錦濤都被拖出去了 肯定是被 controlled
我就說了 當年要是 黨 派個 原生女性的 解放軍美少女 到芝大來收編我 那我就合這條件了
可千萬別派 千年千倍自願的 蝴蝶君啊.... 特別是這網上站出來大喊自願的那幾個
phlin 发表于 2024-11-12 22:06
我说的原文是移民局的定义 Affiliation implies less than membership but more than sympathy. Affiliation includes more than mere interest or sympathy for an organization but may also be accompanied by some positive and voluntary action that provides support, money, or another thing of value
你不要到处寻找别的野鸡定义 没用的
Wanfeiche 发表于 2024-11-12 22:40我说的原文是移民局的定义 Affiliation implies less than membership but more than sympathy. Affiliation includes more than mere interest or sympathy for an organization but may also be accompanied by some positive and voluntary action that provides support, money, or another thing of value
你不要到处寻找别的野鸡定义 没用的
我用google 翻譯一下
In general, any immigrant who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.[1] There are two exceptions to this ground of inadmissibility and a limited waiver available to certain persons depending on the immigration benefit they are seeking.[2]
上 法條
如果外國人在申請簽證時使領事官員滿意(或在申請入境時使總檢察長滿意)證明該外國人的會員資格或從屬關係,則第(i)款不適用於因會員資格或從屬關係的外國人現在或曾經是非自願的,或現在或曾經只是在未滿 16 歲時,根據法律的規定,或為了獲得就業、口糧或其他生活必需品的目的,以及是否為此類目的所必需。
(I) 會員資格或附屬關係至少在以下情況下終止:
(a) 此類申請日期前 2 年,或
(b) 在申請之日前5年,如果外國人的成員資格或隸屬關係是控制外國政府的一方,而該外國政府在該申請之日是極權獨裁國家,並且
如果移民是美國公民或其配偶的父母、配偶、兒子、女兒、兄弟或姊妹,司法部長可酌情放棄第 (i) 條的適用出於人道主義目的而合法獲得永久居留權的外國人的子女、兒子或女兒,以確保家庭團聚,或在其他情況下符合公共利益(如果該移民不會對美國的安全構成威脅)。
8 USC 1182: Inadmissible aliens
Text contains those laws in effect on November 11, 2024
Any immigrant who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate thereof), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.
Clause (i) shall not apply to an alien because of membership or affiliation if the alien establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer when applying for a visa (or to the satisfaction of the Attorney General when applying for admission) that the membership or affiliation is or was involuntary, or is or was solely when under 16 years of age, by operation of law, or for purposes of obtaining employment, food rations, or other essentials of living and whether necessary for such purposes.
Clause (i) shall not apply to an alien because of membership or affiliation if the alien establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer when applying for a visa (or to the satisfaction of the Attorney General when applying for admission) that-
(I) the membership or affiliation terminated at least-
(a) 2 years before the date of such application, or
(b) 5 years before the date of such application, in the case of an alien whose membership or affiliation was with the party controlling the government of a foreign state that is a totalitarian dictatorship as of such date, and
(II) the alien is not a threat to the security of the United States.
The Attorney General may, in the Attorney General's discretion, waive the application of clause (i) in the case of an immigrant who is the parent, spouse, son, daughter, brother, or sister of a citizen of the United States or a spouse, son, or daughter of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence for humanitarian purposes, to assure family unity, or when it is otherwise in the public interest if the immigrant is not a threat to the security of the United States.
我用google 翻譯一下
In general, any immigrant who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.[1] There are two exceptions to this ground of inadmissibility and a limited waiver available to certain persons depending on the immigration benefit they are seeking.[2]
phlin 发表于 2024-11-12 22:45
问题问的是have been ever been a member of CCP or have you ever been affiliated with CCP? 这个问题只涉及CCP本身 跟其他组织无关 如果你只是按照学校老师的要求参加队员团员 没有其他想法和主动支持的行为 按移民局的定义你应该填NO
至于你在CCP以外的其他组织,如少先队,共青团等的membership 是否影响你的签证 是移民申请表另外一个问题决定的,你知道另外一个问题问你关于你参加过的所有组织吧 把你的所有参加过组织列出来就行了 移民局自然会处理的。所有的中国组织都是CCP的附属组织。
不是讨论少先队员能否移民。少先队员可以移民这是一个定论。 因为它符合多个exception。 因为早已经退出了而且是无意义的membership。
回复 56楼 phlin 的帖子看語詞解釋多無聊
上 法條
(D) 極權政黨中的移民成員
(一) 整體情況
(ii) 非自願會員資格的例外情況
如果外國人在申請簽證時使領事官員滿意(或在申請入境時使總檢察長滿意)證明該外國人的會員資格或從屬關係,則第(i)款不適用於因會員資格或從屬關係的外國人現在或曾經是非自願的,或現在或曾經只是在未滿 16 歲時,根據法律的規定,或為了獲得就業、口糧或其他生活必需品的目的,以及是否為此類目的所必需。
(iii) 過去會員資格的例外情況
(I) 會員資格或附屬關係至少在以下情況下終止:
(a) 此類申請日期前 2 年,或
(b) 在申請之日前5年,如果外國人的成員資格或隸屬關係是控制外國政府的一方,而該外國政府在該申請之日是極權獨裁國家,並且
(iv) 近親家庭成員的例外
如果移民是美國公民或其配偶的父母、配偶、兒子、女兒、兄弟或姊妹,司法部長可酌情放棄第 (i) 條的適用出於人道主義目的而合法獲得永久居留權的外國人的子女、兒子或女兒,以確保家庭團聚,或在其他情況下符合公共利益(如果該移民不會對美國的安全構成威脅)。
8 USC 1182: Inadmissible aliens
Text contains those laws in effect on November 11, 2024
(D) Immigrant membership in totalitarian party
(i) In general
Any immigrant who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate thereof), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.
(ii) Exception for involuntary membership
Clause (i) shall not apply to an alien because of membership or affiliation if the alien establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer when applying for a visa (or to the satisfaction of the Attorney General when applying for admission) that the membership or affiliation is or was involuntary, or is or was solely when under 16 years of age, by operation of law, or for purposes of obtaining employment, food rations, or other essentials of living and whether necessary for such purposes.
(iii) Exception for past membership
Clause (i) shall not apply to an alien because of membership or affiliation if the alien establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer when applying for a visa (or to the satisfaction of the Attorney General when applying for admission) that-
(I) the membership or affiliation terminated at least-
(a) 2 years before the date of such application, or
(b) 5 years before the date of such application, in the case of an alien whose membership or affiliation was with the party controlling the government of a foreign state that is a totalitarian dictatorship as of such date, and
(II) the alien is not a threat to the security of the United States.
(iv) Exception for close family members
The Attorney General may, in the Attorney General's discretion, waive the application of clause (i) in the case of an immigrant who is the parent, spouse, son, daughter, brother, or sister of a citizen of the United States or a spouse, son, or daughter of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence for humanitarian purposes, to assure family unity, or when it is otherwise in the public interest if the immigrant is not a threat to the security of the United States.
phlin 发表于 2024-11-12 22:51
不是讨论少先队员能否移民。少先队员可以移民这是一个定论。 因为它符合多个exception。 因为早已经退出了而且是无意义的membership。
Wanfeiche 发表于 2024-11-12 18:00你自创的定义挺新颖的。你好好看看美国移民法关于affiliation的定义。
Affiliation includes more than mere interest or sympathy for an organization but may also be accompanied by some positive and voluntary action that provides support, money, or another thing of value
看到没有 interest/sympathy/voluntary这些全都是你心里面主观的东西 全靠你自由心证
如果你有这些想法 请你如实填写YES
如果你没有这些想法 只是被共产党管理过 不算affiliation
你这样鼓吹参加过少先队的人就要他们填YES 目的是让这些主动承认自己有interest 有sympathy 还voluntarily support。你真的确定这些人有interest/sympathy/voluntary support吗?
helloterran4 发表于 2024-11-13 01:53
不能证明那个儿童对共产党有兴趣 同情共产党 或者志愿支持共产党
你这种脑子乱的人,可以自己填YES证明你对共产党有兴趣 同情共产党 或者志愿作出过行动支持共产党 这就叫自由心证 自信一点大胆说出你内心的想法
Wanfeiche 发表于 2024-11-13 02:21不好意思
不能证明那个儿童对共产党有兴趣 同情共产党 或者志愿支持共产党
你这种脑子乱的人,可以自己填YES证明你对共产党有兴趣 同情共产党 或者志愿作出过行动支持共产党 这就叫自由心证 自信一点大胆说出你内心的想法
more than mere interest or sympathy for an organization but may also be accompanied by some positive and voluntary action that provides support
这句话说的是,interest 或者sympathy不重要,看你有没有实际的action 最重要
而证明你没有这些action的burden of proof,在申请人自己身上
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