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讲座时间:9月14(周三)5:30PM (西岸) | 8:30PM (东岸)
不是每个孩子都适合“爬藤”,但是,每个华裔父母都应该了解名校招生规则。欢迎来听听培养出三个优秀藤校孩子的美国妈妈、前招生官的“教育心经”: 名校希望录取什么样的孩子?家长如何给予孩子正确升学支持?家长哪些时候该积极参与,哪些时候该适当放手?喜欢人文和喜欢理工的孩子应该怎么培养?欢迎带着问题前来讨论!
Title: Ivy Parents Approach to Educational Success: How to support middle & high schoolers who are aiming for top universities
Time: Wednesday, September 14th, 5:30pm PST | 8:30pm EST
Location: Zoom webinar
Host: Dr. Jiang Pu, Founder of NextGen Edu https://www.nextgeneducationus.org/missionandvision
Presenter:Heather McCutchen
- Former Admission Reader, Dartmouth
- University of Iowa, MFA
- Dartmouth College, BA
- As a former admissions officer at Dartmouth College and a mother of herself, Heather successfully parented three Ivy League students, including a Harvard and Yale admit from this year!
This presentation will cover:
- How do college admissions experts cultivate their children at an early age?
- How to support your children in academic and extracurricular activities?
- Parenting experience and skills from an Ivy League Former Admission Officer
- Insights and tips to support children during college application
- Dos and don’ts of parental Involvement