Calling little engineers and space explorers! We''''''''''''''''ll form a team to take this NASA Lunabotics design challenge at NextGen Education in partnership with the Synth community (born from the ed school created by Elon Musk).
The project will be student-driven. We''''''''''''''''ll have Mechanical and Computer engineers Elise and Ray teach 3-D design; and have experts in robotics, design thinking and astronomy join us as guest speakers. David, a published author and editor, will teach kids how to write up their final report.
Please sign up to join the team (资源分享、免费讨论群组报名链接):
Mission: Kids will design a robot that digs and moves lunar soil, called regolith, from an area of the lunar South Pole to a holding container near where Artemis astronauts may explore in the future.
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