If slut wife means 淫妻 in Chinese, then, being a 淫妻 is what my Sir like me to be.
My Sir said to me, “You can be a slut privately with me, but you still be a lady in public.”
Here is one of my Journal:
Title: A Submissive Slut is Forming by Sir
I am a submissive by my nature, not a slut. When my Sir developed a slut out of me, I am not only just his slut. I am his submissive slut. I learned from my Sir’s sharing of his experience with women and I saw that it is a significant difference between the following 3 kind of sluts.
Someone is a slut. An initiative and aggressive of how she can be a slut.
Someone is one’s slut. An active and suggestive slut.
Someone is well trained, made into his fantasy slut, all under his control. A passive and eager to fulfill her Sir’s wanted slut. A submissive slut.
I am the last one in the above 3 types. In my Sir’s company holiday party, my Sir picked a quiet and three sides block view seat to sit down and hugged me. The 4th side is blocked by my body with my back facing public view from behind me. My Sir spoke to me what he wanted from me specify by “when”, “what” and “how”. He wanted to suck my nipples right there. I immediately came up an implementation to enable my Sir to do it privately. I raised my scarf with my hands so it formed a screen that was tall enough to block public view from my side, my shoulder and behind me. My Sir quickly saw this shielded condition I created. He pulled down my spaghetti shoulder strip on my formal dress to expose my breast and nipple under his eyes. He reached out his tender lips and hot tongue to let his lust burn on my nipple. That is a beautiful love scene and satisfying view under my eyes