中圈开球:维多利亚解开了贝克汉姆的裤腰带,熟练地拉开拉链,恩~~ 她的手在干什么?看样子,维多利亚已经摆脱了所有的防守队员,急速向禁区挺进...
手球犯规:看贝克汉姆的表情就知道刚才发生了什么,可维多利亚的手还在贝克汉姆的禁区里徘徊……犯规了!点球!(贝克汉姆^@#%~ 还来啊~~~天!)
黑哨:贝克汉姆与维多利亚的热辣调情让司机极度难堪……喂,我说,你们该停下来了,比赛时间到了…… 什么?!还没到90分钟呢,我要向裁判委员会控告你!^@#%$*
A photographer added: "It was the most amazing scene. Both of them appeared to be a little drunk and in high spirits.
"It soon became clear they were practically having sex.
"They thought we couldn't see what they were doing because of the black-out windows, but the camera flashes picked up what they were up to.
"You could see David was really enjoying his wife's performance and was sitting back with a smug look on his face.
"Victoria looked amazing and had a mischievous glint in her eye. She was certainly going to give him a night to remember."
The action took place as the couple's chauffeur-driven silver limo purred from the Mayfair eaterie at 1am for the drive to their Hertfordshire mansion.
The couple had been out with Posh's management company 19 to celebrate her double A-side, This Groove/Let Your Head Go, jumping straight into the charts at No3.
To set the scene in football terms, David was occupying his usual position on the right-hand side while his missus enjoyed what could be termed a central holding role.
First, Victoria, 29, stretched out a lithe limb to wrest control of his midfield with her foot. As things hotted up, she leaned over and expertly unhooked his belt and unbuttoned his jeans.
With his defence in tatters, she plunged towards goal then clearly handled in the area. Referee!
All the while, their red-faced chauffeur stared straight ahead, trying to ignore them.
David, 28, looked the worse for wear. He's not a big drinker though he clearly enjoys the odd shandy.
The back seat shenanigans would suggest the Beckhams' marriage is back on track.
[此贴子已经被作者于1/29/2004 3:08:57 PM编辑过]