Translation Of The Text Written In Gold At The Entrance To The Temple Of The Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet, Karnak Temple"
"I only ask you to enter my house with respect. To serve you I do not need your devotion, but your sincerity. Neither your beliefs, but your thirst for knowledge. Enter with your vices, your fears and your hatreds; from the greatest to the smaller ones, I can help you dissolve them. You can look at me and love me as a female, as a mother, as a daughter, as a sister, as a friend, but never look at me as an authority above yourself. If the devotion you have for any god , It is greater than the one you have for the God that is within you, you offend them both and you offend the ONE "
我只请你恭敬地进入我的房子。我不需要你的奉献来为你服务,而需要你的真诚。不要你的信仰,而要你对知识的渴望。带着你的恶习、你的恐惧和你的仇恨进来; 不管它们是大的或是小的,我都可以帮你一一化解。你可以把我看成一个女人,一个母亲,一个女儿,一个姐妹,一个朋友来爱我,但永远不要把我看成一个高于你自己的权威。如果你对任何神的奉献,比你对你内在的神的奉献更大,你就冒犯了他们两个,你也冒犯了唯一的真神(最后这句有点费解)。