Shawfree 发表于 2022-02-07 15:51
Shawfree 发表于 2022-02-07 15:51
woshisophie 发表于 2022-02-07 19:07
对,那个扯轮的应该shut the f up. 大家都不要理不要回应,屏蔽就好。
对,那个扯轮的应该shut the f up. 大家都不要理不要回应,屏蔽就好。
Shawfree 发表于 2022-02-07 19:12
92m 发表于 2022-02-07 19:12
hippogirl 发表于 2022-02-07 19:19
国内网民太有才了 lol
92m 发表于 2022-02-07 19:12
这第三份公报…难道不是反证 八娃苦命女 绝对是被故意残害故意不施援手的。央视和徐州医生一起打暗号,往境外递刀子了?
92m 发表于 2022-02-07 19:20
终于上了微博热搜。 我看下面6万多条留言,几乎全是质疑这个调查结果的。不像国际政治,这种发生在普通人身边的事情老百姓还是心里有数的。
92m 发表于 2022-02-07 19:12
把孩子送那么远的地方去嫁人了,父母不参加婚礼, 也从来不和男方家庭来往, 完全当自己的女儿死了?通告说她有亲戚,失踪多年找到了, 知道被这畜生这么欺负, 娘家人不来徐州看看她吗?这地方人都这么冷血的?
终于上了微博热搜。 我看下面6万多条留言,几乎全是质疑这个调查结果的。不像国际政治,这种发生在普通人身边的事情老百姓还是心里有数的。
六月天 发表于 2022-02-07 19:26
To the United Nations Human Rights Council:
We are calling on the council for an urgent investigation into the human trafficking, sex enslaving, and a heinous human rights violation case in Xuzhou, China. A woman, who is believed to be Ying Li, was a victim of human trafficking since 12, and has been a sex slave of a man who not only raped her but also had 8 children with her. She is seen in the picture locked up with a dog chain, covered with a thin coat in winter in a scruffy hut. The horrid fact is, Ying is not the only sex slave in the village. Evidence shows that there are at least several other women in the same if not worse situation.
To the United Nations Human Rights Council:
We are calling on the council for an urgent investigation into the human trafficking, sex enslaving, and a heinous human rights violation case. A woman, who is believed to be Ying Li, was a victim of human trafficking since 12, and has been a sex slave of a man who not only raped her but also had 8 children with her. She is seen in the picture locked up with a dog chain, covered with a thin coat in winter, in a scruffy hut, in Xuzhou, China. The horrid fact is, Ying is not the only sex slave in the village. Evidence shows that there are at least several other women in the same if not worse situation.
养貂的小昭 发表于 2022-02-07 19:41
很棒,不过dog chain美化了 哪家会舍得用铁链拴汪星人
To the United Nations Human Rights Council:
We are calling on the council for an urgent investigation into the human trafficking, sex enslaving, and a heinous human rights violation case. A woman, who is believed to be Ying Li, was a victim of human trafficking since 12, and has been a sex slave of a man who not only raped her but also had 8 children with her. She is seen in the picture locked up with a dog chain, covered with a thin coat in winter, in a scruffy hut, in Xuzhou, China. The horrid fact is, Ying is not the only sex slave in the village. Evidence shows that there are at least several other women in the same if not worse situation.
养貂的小昭 发表于 2022-02-07 19:41
终于上了微博热搜。 我看下面6万多条留言,几乎全是质疑这个调查结果的。不像国际政治,这种发生在普通人身边的事情老百姓还是心里有数的。
六月天 发表于 2022-02-07 19:26