I will do it here. You are right. Yes, thats why I dont trust my doc too much, instead I want to find the best Mohs doc.看你在哪里了?全国还是有几个地方的大医院挺好的
jjllb 发表于 4/11/2016 6:44:12 PM [url=][/url]
为啥不能再切除一次?这种癌,一般不扩散,可能很深入,一般不是一边切除,一边看做切片,直到切到没有癌细胞才手术完毕吗? 术后就是定期复查。The recommended Margin for DFSP is 3 cm due to high recurrence rate. MOHs should be performed unless there is no MOHs surgeon around.
wuyutian 发表于 4/11/2016 8:23:29 PM [url=][/url]
arie 发表于 4/11/2016 8:12:44 PM [url=][/url]