今天带九岁孩子去做眼睛检查,右眼1.25, 左眼0.25。右眼需要戴近视眼镜,医生建议今年先戴普通的框架priscription glasses, 明年看情况是否需要戴Ortho-K镜来控制视力。
可是孩子不愿意戴框架眼镜,想要尝试OK镜 ,因为他的好朋友就是晚上戴OK镜 。医生也说可以直接戴OK镜,或者另外一种白天戴得用来控制视力的misight.
请教大家有经验的推荐Ortho-K or Misight? 谢谢!
For a child with a 1.25 sphere prescription, MiSight is generally considered a better option than Ortho-K because it is a daily disposable soft contact lens, making it easier to manage and maintain good hygiene, especially for younger children who might not be as adept at handling rigid lenses like Ortho-K; however, the best choice depends on the individual child''''s responsibility level and comfort with contact lens care, so consulting an eye doctor is key to make the best decision.
谢谢大家的建议和回复。我们一开始是想戴MiSight ,可试了两周都戴不进去,原因是MiSight又软又大。无奈之下选择OK镜,看着OK镜片小一点,这个周末再去做检查,配OK镜。医生建议先带框架眼镜一年,明年再说,但是我家孩子坚持不肯戴框架。