从来没有吃过,让医生开了一些,给的是那种每天都吃得,感觉很好奇,如果没有夫妻生活的话,也要吃?如果没有夫妻生活的话停了不吃,等有的时候再吃就没有效果了吗?哪位有过类似的经验的? 谢谢
It does not work the way like a condom which you only use it when you need it. So you must take every pill every day.
You need to take pills for least 7 days before no protection intercourse. You better count your period now to see if you were in the "safe time" (An quan qi), when u had the intercourse otherwise, it is very likely to get pregnant or Gong Wai Yun.
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