今天跑去victoria's secret的实体店,sale的东西不算多,不过还是让我淘到了几个东东,而且回来查官网,发现都比网上卖的便宜,很开心!
买了两个bra,都是very sexy系列的push-up style。
1、红色的Low-back multi-way bra with Gel-Curve,原价50,网上折后卖37.5,店内卖29.99。
2、咖色的Push-up bra with Gel-Curve,原价42,网上折后卖31.5,店内卖24.99。
还买了三套Organic cami & sleep panty set,各颜色各款式一套,原价35,网上卖24.99,店内卖5.99,太白菜了!!!
printable coupon that you can use in addition to the sale! The offer is: $10 off $50; $15 off $75; $25 off $100. The coupon expires on January 12, 2009.You must bring it with you; you don't have to use your Angel's card. Limit one offer per customer per day. Just print the link below:
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另外,对express家的衣服感兴趣的mm,可以去店里看看,店里也和网上一样additional 20% off clearance items,偶买的LONG V-NECK SWEATER - STRIPED,EDITOR PANT,PLEATED LONG-SLEEVE SHIRT,都和官网价格一致。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-29 22:38:56编辑过]