第一次听到Julian Moore的名字是沉默的羔羊续集汉尼巴拍摄的时候。因为Judie Foster把人物塑造的很成功,所以新的女主角引起了很多关注。
其实在90年代Julian拍过很多电影和电视,其名可以和Michelle Pfeiffer并列。"Having made 24 movies in the Nineties, Julianne Moore was that decade's 11th Busiest Actor, alongside Robert De Niro (though still miles behind Samuel L. Jackson, with 36). And she's set to improve upon her placing over the next 10 years. But Moore is not just about quantity. Inhabiting her characters rather than simply Being A Star, she's become the equal of such recent luminaries as Michelle Pfeiffer, Jessica Lange and, yes, even Meryl Streep. "
最近让人印象深刻的是Julian Moore在Hours里的演出,并因此获得了奥斯卡提名。在Julian的职业生涯中,一共获得了4次奥斯卡提名。获得奥斯卡奖是迟早的事。