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  1. 原本讳莫如深的话题,现在可以坦然的谈论了,虽然小圈子亲密朋友间才可能,但这样的社会环境真的是人类文明的进步
  2. 女性性健康真的是很重要,荷尔蒙和神经递质的存在牵涉身体心理新陈代谢方方面面,不是一叶障目不管不看不理会压抑着,就可以忽略过去而没有后果的问题
  3. 自慰是性健康的重要一环,不管是过去还是现在,只要人类身上还存在不以生殖为目的的性冲动。(不幸造物确实强加给人类和其他哺乳动物,比如海豚)
  4. 女性可以也不需避讳自慰,因为:
  5. 自慰有明显的益处:个人愉悦,减压减肥,调节心情,增强睡眠(这几点有亲身体会)
  6. 自慰可以让人更了解自己和自己的身体,了解如何取悦自己是件大事,首先在身体取悦自己,会潜移默化在心理上也学会取悦自己,让自己变成更好的,一个人。
  7. 自慰是世界上最安全的性活动,正常人自动过滤有些不必了解和知道的稀奇古怪以及difficult的方式和风格哈
  8. 在这篇文章里提到和结合自身经验得到的结论,和伴侣一起自慰同时是世界上最安全和最愉悦的性活动,理由有三:
  9. 能和伴侣一起自慰,首先说明两人开诚布公能谈论的话题范围之广,已经令一般普通人心驰神往
  10. 和伴侣一起自慰/互慰(注意思路打开还可以有互助的哦),完全没有健康隐患,既不会意外怀孕,也不会STD,在注意基本hygene practice的前提下
  11. 通过和伴侣一起自互慰,坦诚分享取悦自己的特点和方式,一言不合真刀实枪上阵的时候,就全能用上啦


link: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/fascinating-facts-about-female-masturbation-110722717.html


7 fascinating facts about female masturbation

Yahoo Life

Rachel Grumman BenderRachel Grumman Bender

Sat, May 21, 2022, 5:07 AM·6 min read

More women masturbate than you might think. (Photo: Getty Images)

More women masturbate than you might think. (Photo: Getty Images)

There are certain taboo topics that aren’t openly talked about, and masturbation — particularly, female masturbation — has certainly been one of them. But experts say that’s starting to change.

“There was a time when it wasn’t open for women to talk about it,” Dr. Leah Millheiser, director of the female sexual medicine program at Stanford University Medical Center, tells Yahoo Life. “Now patients are very open when asked. Women do it.”

While Millheiser acknowledges that “there are religions and cultures where it’s not acceptable because sexual activity is meant to be procreative” and that it’s still “more accepted that males do it even though women do it, too,” she says society has made “massive strides” in talking about masturbation. “We talk about vibrators so openly now,” she says. “Gwyneth Paltrow talks about it. We’ve normalized talking about vibrators and in [doing] that, normalized talking about masturbation, even if we don’t say it.”

Debra Herbenick, the director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University in Bloomington, agrees, telling Yahoo Life that, in recent years, “more of my women college students talk openly about it.” But some women still feel embarrassed, “especially if they were raised in more traditional or conservative homes,” she says. “And some women don’t learn much about their vulva and vagina until adulthood; sexuality in schools rarely addresses masturbation, sexual pleasure, sexual exploration or orgasm.”

So here’s what you need to know about female masturbation.

#1: Masturbating is healthy

While pleasure is the most obvious benefit of masturbation, experts say the practice comes with some health benefits as well, including stress relief and a better night's sleep. That’s because having an orgasm from masturbation releases feel-good hormones called endorphins, which create feelings of relaxation and well-being.

A 2019 study found that having an orgasm through masturbation was associated with better quality sleep and an easier time falling asleep. “It [also] helps them fall asleep if they’re stressed or anxious,” says Millheiser.

The orgasms that come with masturbation also “improve blood flow to the vagina,” says Millheiser, “and that keeps it healthy.”

But that’s not all: Masturbating with a partner is also “a form of safer sex,” says Herbenick. According to Planned Parenthood: “In fact, it’s the safest way to have sexual pleasure there is — there’s no risk of pregnancy or STDs.”

As Alix Agar, associate marriage and family therapist at the SHAPE Center, tells Yahoo Life: “Masturbation to orgasm has all the benefits of genital intercourse to orgasm, without any of the downsides!”

#2: Women masturbate more often than you might think

“The single biggest misconception about female masturbation is that women don't,” says Agar, “and of course, that's simply not true. Women have always touched or rubbed their genitals for pleasure, just as men have. They just talk about it less.”

Herbenick agrees, saying: “Many people don’t realize how common masturbation is among women. However, about 3 in 4 women have ever masturbated.”

A 2017 study found that more than 40% of women had masturbated in the last month the research was conducted, with only about 22% of women reporting that they have never masturbated in their lifetime. The study also found that more than 50% of women had used a vibrator or dildo.

#3: It’s a good way for women (and men) to learn about their bodies

Another benefit to masturbation is that it helps with “getting to know your body” and “getting to know what works for you” in terms of stimulation and pleasure, notes Millheiser.

Agar calls masturbation “an effective tool for women to learn about their orgasmic capabilities — how quickly or slowly, how intensely and how long they can orgasm.” She says that it’s “a huge benefit to sex with a partner as well, because it teaches a woman what types of touch, rhythms, etc., will bring her to orgasm, and she can teach her partner how to do the same.”

She also points out that there’s a “dangerous misconception” that girls and women who masturbate will become “oversexed, or sexualized too young or want too much sex.” She says, “These are all outdated, misogynistic myths. They relate to ideas that women's sexuality belongs to her husband or male partner and can only be developed or explored by him. In fact, the more any woman knows about her own body and her own capacity to achieve sexual pleasure, the more she will be able to achieve mutual sexual satisfaction with her partner. Masturbation can be an integral part of any couple's sex life.”

#4: Masturbating “too much” is rare

It’s rare that someone masturbates “too much,” says Herbenick. “When that occurs, a person generally knows because their masturbation is getting in the way of work, school or their family or romantic/sexual relationships,” she says. “In other rare cases, someone may be masturbating so much or in such a difficult way that it hurts their body.”

Herbenick says that “people who are struggling with their approach to masturbation, or their feelings about masturbation, may be helped by connecting with a sex therapist or sex coach.” She suggests visiting AASECT.org or SSTARnet.org to find a therapist in one’s area.

#5: Married women — and older women — do it, too

Masturbating isn’t just for the young and single. Married women and men, as well as older adults, partake as well. “Masturbation is available to people across the lifespan, including people of advanced age,” says Herbenick. “Indeed, many older individuals find it easier to masturbate alone or together rather than have intercourse, given some of the logistics with intercourse positioning and/or issues such as vaginal dryness or erectile function.”

Herbenick adds: “Solo and partnered masturbation are just two parts on a very full menu of ways to explore and connect sexually.”

#6: It can improve your sex life

A 2020 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that when women use similar techniques and stimulation that feel good during masturbation and apply them during sex with their partners, they report a better orgasmic response and less difficulty achieving orgasm during partnered sex.

Masturbation can also be helpful to women entering menopause. “When a woman goes into menopause, she has decreased blood flow,” explains Millheiser. “So women will say, ‘I can’t achieve orgasm anymore’ or ‘It’s really weak in intensity.’ Or, ‘I can’t achieve it without using a vibrator.’ That’s related to a drop in estrogen and nerve conduction. You need more of that stimulation to achieve orgasm.” And that’s where masturbation comes in.

#7: For some, it’s the only way they orgasm

“Women will say, ‘I can’t achieve orgasms,’ and what they're really saying is, ‘I can’t have an orgasm with penile-vaginal or toy-vaginal penetration,” explains Millheiser. “But you can ask them, ‘Can you have orgasms through genital or clitoral stimulation?’ ‘Oh yeah, I can do that.’ It’s more common to have clitoral stimulated orgasms than vaginal penetration orgasms.”

Millheiser says that it’s perfectly OK if the only way you’re able to achieve orgasm is through masturbation. “Don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t happen,” she says. “Enjoy the orgasms that you do have.”

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实在不能相聚的,远程,现在视频工具那么多,其实做好准备,效果也很好。尤其是不用身体力行,可以靠言语和气氛 延长时间。 保证环境的安全性之后,可以互相享受很久。

以前有个女朋友就是 ,身体很敏感,很渴望,无法相聚的时候,通过信件先构筑一段很长的期待期。准备几个小故事 小情景。很多时候甚至视频还没开始,就已经被告知湿了。音频或者视频,低声呢喃那些之前虚构的情景,让她进入幻想,看着她打开自己的双腿,身体颤抖的样子,很多时候比实际做爱还好。而且可以看很久,让她自己来个3,4次。每次之后都可以让她恢复很多活力,白天正常的工作也做的更有效率。


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