Just bought a lot recently. They are from Smart bargains, karmaloop and guess local store
the above are all Paul Frank
Just bought a lot recently. They are from Smart bargains, karmaloop and guess local store
the above are all Paul Frank
From Smartbargain
Lovcat wallet
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-4 2:05:17编辑过]
From Guess store
Marciano, additional 70% off 80
Guess, additional 60% off 60, bought another color in deep red and blue strips
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-4 2:07:44编辑过]
I agree.
I agree.
你又开始了新的一年购物的漫漫征途了.嘻嘻,me too.
拖鞋很可爱, 也喜欢钱包.