其实前两天更新版规的时候,我们几个版主也讨论过要不要设立一些关于low effort贴和重复出现的常见话题贴的规矩。
最开始有这个想法是参照了reddit sexover30的版规。本来是希望有一些版规可以帮助quality control这个版上的主题帖,我们把质量搞得越高,能在这里获得帮助的人就越多嘛。
1 Low effort贴很难准确的定义,you know it when you see it。譬如没有什么上下文,也不解释具体情况,语言风格比较粗俗露骨,感觉是为了猎奇或者out of boredom的帖子。
2 常见问题因为问的人比较多,所以如果论坛用户基数比较大的话,很容易出现主页全是问题帖的情况。咱们版目前倒还没有这个问题。
比如说,reddit sexover30对这两条是这么阐述的:
以下为verbatim quote:
We do try to hold threads and comments to a higher standard than many subs. We want posts to foster discussion and we want to avoid inundating the feed with "low effort" or "common topics" posts. Examples of what is considered "low effort":
-Title-only posts, and posts that do not include details or context
-Asking for information that can be easily found through an internet search (see also, "common topics" below)
-Polling for narrow or specific responses (ask these in the weekly "Simple Questions" thread)
-Posts that try to exclude responses from some readers by only asking for responses from men, women, gays, straights, etc.
-Crossposts and posts that only contain a link to an article or website without any points of discussion
Here are examples of what are considered "common topics" that are best answered by first looking through our wiki guides or searching our archive:
-Posts about couples with mismatched libidos or incompatible sexual interests or dead bedroom situations (see this guide instead)
-Posts about erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation and/or drugs to treat either (see this guide instead)
-Other topics may also fall in here, at the mod team''''''''s discretion.
针对第一,华人的用户和Reddit的用户不一样。国情不一样,文化基础,意识理念都还差挺多的。可能对很多华人用户(尤其女性)来说,要迈出心理那个坎,来问一个和性爱有关的话题,或者咨询一些私房事,就已经是个很大的挑战了,很可能就是止于羞羞的发个帖,试试水,什么的。总的来说咱们这个文化圈(以及华人用户这个年龄段)可能还没有到欧美这种主流sex positive的境界,不能期待大家都能对性爱和亲密关系这件事大方坦承的侃侃而谈。如果对low effort贴要求过于严格,可能会吓跑这些潜在的用户。而还没有跨过这个坎的女性朋友们,其实是这个版非常想要帮助的人群。其实这个问题我最开始没意识到,其他两位版主提醒了我,我觉得非常有道理!虽然是条好规则,但情况不一样,不能死板的照搬Reddit的版规。
针对第二条,咱们用户数量毕竟没那么大,贴子的库存量没那么多,而且目前也没有常见问题反复出现这个问题。如果有一天这个版发展到常见的两性问题都有比较全面的科普和讨论贴的时候,而且那时候用户量多到确实有常见问题出现率过高这个问题,那我们会整理这些高质量高信息度的帖子,并适当的加入一些关于repeating common questions的版规。