NAME: Hugh Michael Jackman
BORN: 12 October 1968 in Sydney, NSW, Australia
HEIGHT: 6'2" / HAIR: Brown / EYES: Hazel
SCHOOLING: Hugh attended Knox Grammar School, an elite all-boys school in Wahroonga, NSW. He holds a degree in journalism from the University of Technology in Sydney; after deciding to pursue acting, he followed a stint at the Actors' Center in Sydney by graduating from the prestigious Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts in Perth.
SPOUSE: Actress/director Deborra-lee Furness, 1996-present
CHILDREN: The Jackmans have two adopted children: son Oscar Maximillian, born in 2000; and daughter Ava Eliot, born in 2005.
FAMILY: Family emigrated to Australia from England before Hugh was born. Father, Chris, is a retired accountant in Sydney; mother, Grace, lives in the UK. Hugh has two brothers, two sisters and one half-sister.

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