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From sex and the city

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05-05-16 12:48操作
From sex and the city

1. You are mortifying me.

2. You always sneak up on me.

3. For the privileged few, it’s easy to get in this restaurant.

4. I’m a bona fide city girl. Rustic life is not my favorite thing.

5. If it’s not so ironic, it’ll be even funnier.

6. I’m a hick town hostage.

7. This dress is exquisite.

8. My building is going co-op.

9. I don’t want to utter the tragedy word.

10. You’re preaching to the converted.

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05-05-16 13:04操作

11. Richard: Who needs a wife when you have a life?

Samantha: That’s all I’m saying.

Commentary: Instead, she settled for right now.

12. Relationships, no matter how good, are inevitably a series of compromises. But how

much of ourselves should we be willing to sacrifice for the other person before we

stop being ourselves? In a relationship, when does the art of compromise becomes


13. Got the hold of yourself. Hang in there.

14. Meanwhile, Samantha’s professional relationship really started to take off.

We’re about to take off, we need you to buckle your seatbelt.

16. You still go back to that scum? You must be having an amnesia!

17. Jazz guy: If it’s ok with you, I’m gonna camp out here for a while. That table is bad.

Carrie: It’s ok by me.

(Big and Carrie have broken up. One night, they bump into each other with their

dates. They are having drinks at the same table. Big is still jerking with Carrie, which

makes the Jazz guy very uncomfortable. So the Jazz guy wants to stay away from

Big and have drink at the other table.)

18. Because that girl might come off like she’s all strong and over it, but she’s fragile.

19. Can’t we just get along?

(Meaning: stay away from my business.)

20. Please get those looks off your faces. (When the girls find out that Samantha is

lesbian, they are so shocked.)

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05-05-17 06:18操作

21. I might not be much in the kitchen, but I’m more than enough in the bedroom.

22. As lathered up, she really started to get lathered up. (Ray wanted to measure his dick, got so mad. So she decided to take a shower[first “lathered up”]. The more she thought about it, the more she got irritated and upset [second “lathered up”].)

23. Maybe that kind of physical connection obliterates the chance of intellectual one.

24. Two mojitos coming up on the house. (Mojit a cocktail. On the house meaning: free.)

25. I won’t risk an awkward public confrontation at ’s opening.

26. It’s tedious and the sex is dwindling from what I’ve heard. (When Samantha talks about the lesbian sex with her lesbian lover.)

27. I’m fresh out of things to talk to you. (I don’t nothing to talk with you.)

28. He looks disturbingly good.

29. That’s obscene.

30. We can’t retract it, because that’s what you said.

31. I’m composing my first email to .

32. Don’t you think it’s wee bit small?

33. I bet there is one loud-mouth guy who found some woman who loved it and told everybody women love it. (talking about anus sex)

34. Pace yourself, send him an email. (Carrie wants to get back with after their 1 year break up. Miranda persuade Carrie slowing down.)

35. When men attempt bold gestures, it’s generally considered romantic. When woman do it, it’s often considered desperate or psycho. I was hoping to prove I was neither.

36. Don’t pout. (smile)

37. titty or tits= nipple (Very often used in movies or shows.) Ex: A quick titty flash might persuade me to give you some weed. (From movie “”)

38. Get boned ---There’s these two filthy pussies just aching to get boned (have sex) by us. (From “white castle”, “American wedding” uses it the same way.)

39. I have a choice. I could slink off the runway and let my inner model die of shame, or I could pick myself up, flaws and all, and finish. (When Carrie fell down on the runway.)

40. tuck my underwear (From my real life conversation: the puppy was so scared that he tucked his little tail under his body)

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05-05-17 07:39操作

41. It’s an exclamation point. (A fun nice place)

42. : I can’t believe you take an ecstasy from a stranger.

Samantha: It releases all of your inhibitions.

: You have inhibitions?

(When a gay was taking off his underwear, Samantha was staring at him. Therefore,

charlotte made this comment.)

43. They say opposites attract. What they fail to mention is that opposites also tend to

have opposite views on what constitutes a rockin’ Saturday night.

44. tacky (Use "tacky" to describe people, use "corny" to describe things.)

45. Miranda: Do you think the pokes will hurt the baby?

Carrie: Where do you think those dimples come from?

(When Miranda is hesitating about having sex with men when she is pregnant)

46.Later, I started to think about restless and relationships. Once we found what we’ve

been searching for, why are some of us reluctant to let go our single selves? Is single

life in such a constant flurry of fun and friends that setting down

immediately fills us with the urge of shake things up again? And why does becoming

part of a couple imply setting down? We shouldn’t expect to get everything from one

man, but instead, feel comfortable get different things from different people.

Although, at what point do separate interests become separate bedrooms? I couldn’t

help but wonder, to be in a couple, do you have to put your single self on a shelf?

47. Here is something for you to chew on.

48. For a shower with so little water pressure, I suddenly felt a ton of it beating down on

my shoulders.

49. May your anxiety threshold is lower than other people’s.

50. As progressive as our society claims to be, there are still certain life targets we’re all

suppose to hit, marriage, babies, and a house to call your own.

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05-05-17 07:44操作

51. : You’re catching me a little off guard. I need a minute here. (When Carrie told that she doesn’t want to get married for now, was so pissed off.)

52. monogamous type (one wife one husband)

53. I’m still a little thrown about the change in plans. ( still can not adjust himself to accept the truth that Carrie wants to postpone their wedding.)

54. When even the first leaf falls, you can feel the seasons kick.

55. Another woman is deserted.

56. Carrie to Big: You can’t slink out of town this way. We have to do it up right. A proper good-bye. You own it to us. By us, I mean me and . (Big was moving to CA, but he didn’t tell Carrie.)

57. Carrie: So corny.

Big: No, it’s classic. (Big played an old song to Carrie, Carrie thinks it’s very pretentious.)

58. It’s the end of era. It brings up other needs as well. (Autumn is coming, Carrie feels lonely and thinking of Big.)

59. I was hold up by the hotel.

60. It’s all very informative.

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05-05-17 07:46操作

61. Commentary: Samantha, a stranger to love, didn’t’ do it very well.

Richard: I heard the weather this morning, but they didn’t say anything about a shit storm. (Richard is the first man Samantha ever loves. She never falls in love before, so she doesn’t know how to handle a relationship. She force Richard to admit that he is cheating on her.)

62. Samantha: He’s plowing someone else. I know it. How could he not be? The man is a tramp.

63. wig (fake hair)

64. I can’t go any farther down this love road and have my heart broken.

65. Turns out the baby was almost as stubborn as Miranda. (When Miranda gave the birth, the baby didn’t want to come out.)

66. Miranda : It’s like suddenly there is a giraffe in the room. (Miranda feels weird that her new born son is in the room)

67. Perhaps, if we never veered off-course, we wouldn’t fall in love, have baby, or be who we are. After all, seasons change, so does the city. People come into your life and people go. But it’s comforting to know the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you are lucky, a plane ride away.

68. Vogue is the most relevant and provocative magazines on the newsstands today.

69. Your spin on the idea is very clever.

70. Different types of men as the new accessories for Fall.

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05-05-17 08:12操作

71. Erid: I’m not convinced that she knows anything about purse. Or for that matter, man.

Old man at Vogue: Don't say that. For the love of the God

(Always pay attention how they connect the sentences smoothly.)

72. Ms. Bradshau, what you’ve handed us here is essentially just your newspaper column with the word “style” jammed in where the word “sex” used to be.

73. Presumably to devour another writer.

74. Apparently, humor and irony are out this season. (Pay attention of the connection between the sentences. We can start with “Apparently”, “Practically”…)

75. I thought you’d be a natural at vogue. We just have to find a way to hide your vision from Erid’s vision.

76. I came here so cocky. I thought I know it all.

77. I spilled at vogue. (Carrie got drunk at vogue and spilled the cocktail out.)

Another slang: spilled the beans (release a secret. Ex: Don’t spilled the beans. She doesn’t want other people know about it.)

78. Samantha: It’s not about needing something. It’s about wanting something. Just for fun. Something decadent, something naughty even. (Samantha suggested to Richard to give him a birthday gift. It turned out she gave him a threesome.)

79. Waitress: May I tempt you desert? I took the liberty of pre-ordering our chocolate soufflé for you and Ms. Jones, if you want something sweet.

Richard: Thanks for keeping an eye on us.

80. If he doesn’t want monogamous, he’ll either cheat with or without me.

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05-05-17 08:16操作

81. The fantasy being that he’s attracted to someone young enough to be his daughter. (a. Pay attention on how the sentence is started. b. “attracted to” means the young girl attracts him. In another words, he is attracted by the young girl.)

82. When a man has a fantasy and you fulfill it, there’s the chances the relationship could blow up. Then you’re the idiot who did it with him on the golf course, or something.

83. I don’t have a vague idea. (= I don’t have any idea)

84. He starts acting all father figures, and I get territorial, and the salespeople get confused.

85. I hate baby showers. All that forced oohing and ahing.

86. Your father leaves without any answers and you spend your life asking questions about men.

87. Some says a daughter’s relationship with her father is the model for all her subsequent relationships with men. Is that just pop psychology, or is there some truth to it? And if you were given a less-than-perfect model, dose that mean a life of less-than-perfect relationships?

88. Back off

89. This is your idea of helping? Pointing out all the things that I do badly?

90. My father came home every night at on the dot, I have no clue about men, either. So it’s a crapshoot.

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05-06-15 08:23操作

91. Usually he sleeps right next to me, and I get in his little nook.

92. Well, be damn sure before you get off the Ferris Wheel, because the women waiting to get on are 22, perky and ruthless.

93. Think how much easier it would all be if there was some swift surgical procedure to whisk away all the ugly memories and mistakes, and leave only the fun trips and special holidays. But till that day arrives, what to do? Rely on the same old needlepoint philosophy of “forgive and forget”? And even if a couple can manage the forgiveness, has any ever really conquered the forgetness? Can you ever really forgive if you can’t forget?

94. You were so judgmental at the coffee shop yesterday.

95. I’m dripping all over my bathroom and you’re calling me judgmental.

96. If you have a problem with quitting your job, maybe you should take it up to your hb.

97. Don’t be so disappointed, if all you wind up with is a pretty ceramic mug with Trey’s name on it.

98. When in a hostile situation, some women like confronted head-on.

99. I really need you to get behind my choice.

100. Is it a night with the guys or can girlfriend crash?

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05-06-15 08:29操作

101. Snug as a bug in a rug.

102. Nick name for girl: pussy-cat, lady bird, pudding, cookie, candy, sweetie, chief.

103. Man, the guys blew me off at the last minute. So I came down here to hang out with my buddy Steve.

104. You and your bullshit cheer-me-up bagel. They are just the decoy so you could talk about Aidan.

105. One frazzled Friday, 4 over-booked girl friend came from four different directions.

106. I can sum up my life in one breathe, work, work, work.

107. You’re deflowering my pristine kitchen.

108. This thing just faking you out. (freaking you out)

109. She had become a bona fide dimmer expert. Samantha called in a bona fide positions expert who came fully equipped.

110. In times of sorrow, some people have trouble reaching out.

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05-06-15 08:45操作

111. This is my attempt to breathe and reboot.

112. For most of the New Yorkers, is the center of the civilized world. But for privileged few, is merely a place to kill time between weekends at their fashionable rustic, country homes.

113. I was willing to forgo the privilege.

114. You just lost your mum, I’m sure you have a lot of pent up, residual anger.

115. Sounds like he needed the good kick in the ass, which is what you gave him.

116. If by “going” you mean being taken against my will and kidnapped, then yes, I’m going.

117. testicular, sperm

118. You need to conserve your juices till then, so they’ll be at their most powerful.

119. I guess I’ll have to brace the wilderness on my own.

120. Let me stick this stuff in the back, and I’ll give you the grand tour.

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05-06-15 08:50操作

121. mosquito

122. There is no air-conditioner, or milk, for that matter.

123. This little subject matter has put me right off my dinner.

124. Did you have a plate of crazy for lunch?

125. Keeping my relationship with Big in the closet only make things worse.

126. He just blew up. One minute, he was perfectly happy, the next minute, furious.

127. Body image depression, unpredictable mood swings, late night phone calls obsessing about a relationship. Did I mention these are my male friends? So, maybe men and women aren’t from different planets, as pop culture would have us believe. Maybe we live a lot closer to each other, perhaps, dare I even say it, in the same zip code.

128. In view of arrant circumstances, I couldn’t help but wonder…

129. Samantha finally got her meeting with hotel magnate, Richard Wright. Smart, tough, a real ball buster.

130. I’m enjoyed meeting you, but truth be told, Ms. Jones you resume is all fluff.

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05-06-15 11:38操作

131. I admit, I’m intrigued.

132. Miranda: Some men are threatened by strong business women. They have to find a way to make her be just a woman again. Hence, “You are too emotional”. Carrie: “Hence”, yet.

133. I’m going back in there, guns blazing, cool, calm, collected. I’m going to impress that motherfucker so much that he’s gonna beg me to take the job.

134. I was tearing through the new In Style.

135. She broke it off. (break up with sb.)

136. Man, I’m such a chump. I really put myself out there. She drop-kicked me right in the fucking heart.

137. I just got trapped.

138. He better be fucking upset when he gets here. There better be tears.

139. Give me one legitimate reason why not. I’d like to hear the words come out of your mouth. It’s amazing a man with such innovative vision can be so short-sighted.

140. Samantha couldn’t wait. She could feel the tears building up inside her.

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05-06-15 12:14操作

141. He told her he admired her balls.

142. Miranda took Steve out to dinner to lift his spirits.

143. I’m starting to hit my limit.

144. Apparently, the other ball is purely ornamental.

145. What’s with the eyes, Miranda? (what’s wrong? Why make those faces?)

146. What’s the F is going on?

147. Are you cuckoo now? Are you gonna cuckoo on me? (Have something to say, but don’t say them all out.)

148. I feel like you just trapped me.

149. It seems like the guy gets the shit end of the stick.

150. So many roads, so many detours. So many choices, so many mistakes.

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05-06-18 09:54操作


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05-07-01 13:54操作

151. I can’t help but whine “are we there yet?”

152. For a publicist like Samantha, the road to success was paved with stars. Case in point, lunch with Lucy Liu.

153. Would you? How very helpful!

154. The bar’s busting my hump. But it’s pretty good.

155. What’s bugging you?

156. That is absurd.

157. This happens against all the odds.

158. Pretty freaked out. (Scare off)

159. I’m no angel. (I’m not a perfect person.)

160. They say life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.

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05-07-01 13:58操作

161. I have to admit I was tempted by his offer.

162. Richard: You can tell me, I’m human. Samantha: All evidence to the contrary.

163. Why does everybody have to get married and have kids. It’s so cliché.

164. All you have to do is jerk off into a plastic cup.

165. Rubies (an alcohol)

166. A little skyrockets in flight, afternoon delight?

167. Dicklicious

168. Some apartments are cluttered with physical stuff, others, emotional stuff.

169. Don’t mock the clothes.

170. I used to think those people who sat alone at Starbucks writing on their laptops were pretentious poseurs.

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05-07-01 14:07操作

171. I vibrated home, prepared to admit how silly I’d been.

172. For the last time, the only thing I like about Richard is his big, throbbing, rock-hard, perfect dick.

173. That turns everything into a big screaming mess.

174. Samantha met the dawn after a night of SSB.

175. One of the best things about NY is that on any given night, there are a million things to do. One of the worst things about NY is trying to pick one.

176. Trade --- Gay bar; Rave --- Bar; Bungalo ---- gay bar with keys

177. I’m preoccupied by my gay boyfriend. I kept forgetting about my gay hb.

178. Why do you even buy into that shit?

179. Don’t forget your key. Because we’re very exclusive here, and we might not let you back in.

180. I’m very bad. Kiss and make up?

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05-07-06 09:59操作

181. Trey and I split up.

182. You ‘re the best catch ever. Look what you did to this place.

183. You can take any guy off the street, fix them up and make him into something wonderful.

184. Take time to grieve.

185. This divorce is going to be clean and swift, liking pulling off a band-aid.

186. What’s new? Same old, same old.

187. You’d better chop-chop, missy. Because these places book up years and years.

188. The next day, the hotel mogul and his publicist, began another grueling day at work.

189. As intimate as their personal affair had become, when it came to their business affairs, Samantha remained cool and professional in theory.

190. Richard is canoodling with some other woman?

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05-07-06 10:00操作

191. Columnist: Okay, guess which hotheaded publicist can’t seem to keep track of her own client?

Samantha: Guess which two-bit gossip columnist is talking out of his ass?

Columnist: Believe me, I’d rather be talking out of your ass. So, just say the word.

192. Everyone else is glowing about my pregnancy. When will I?

193. This is a classic cold feet. Let’s not do anything rash.

194. My body is literally rejecting the idea of marriage.

195. The next day, Miranda enjoyed o few moments of solitude with her bills and her cleaning lady.

196. In her attempt to skip over her grief, tapped into her pain.

197. He is still a little thrown about the change in plans.

198. seltzer

199. I trust you’re finding something noteworthy to put into your column.

200. Richard is fucking the entire styles section and for the first time in my life, I actually give a shit.

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