At home, I cried at the middle of many nights in the bathroom because I do not want to affect others family member's emotion.
Many prayers, expressing my feeling and asking questions to God, my dear Heavenly Father, with tears coming out like a river.
When I was in front of my old parents and my little daughters, I rely on God to hold up my peaceful calm appearance and be strong .
I did not complain to God.
May be it is because deep down I know well about the fact that God's love to me has shown on the cross.
However I was still expressing my pity feeling to 平安
and I was afraid to see the physical hardship on 平安.
I was also afraid of my weakness could not handle what was to come.
I hesitated to go through the physical hardship that is laid ahead of me and 平安.
Then God made me think of the book of 1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love; but perfect love caste out fear, ..."
Also the thoughts of God's grace and love is sufficient for me to use cast out my fear and worry and I am able to face Tomorrow again.
約 翰 一 書 4 :18 愛 裡 沒 有 懼 怕 ; 愛 既 完 全 , 就 把 懼 怕 除 去 。
彼 得 前 書 5:10
那 賜 諸 般 恩 典 的 神 曾 在 基 督 裡 召 你 們 , 得 享 他 永 遠 的 榮 耀 , 等 你 們 暫 受 苦 難 之 後 , 必 要 親 自 成 全 你 們 , 堅 固 你 們 , 賜 力 量 給 你 們 。