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21-04-23 19:29操作
为什么会巢吹? 在讲巢吹的小窍门之前,我们先来了解一下,女生为什么会巢吹? 女生的尿道两侧有一个神奇的器官——斯基恩氏腺,它会分泌一种透明的液体。 很多科学家认为,斯基恩氏腺在巢吹过程中的那种收缩正是涌动感的来源。 当你啪啪啪的时候对尿道的刺激,可以导致这个腺体分泌大量液体,从而产生的喷射现象。 它有一定的尿液成分,但不完全是。 也就是说,巢吹其实跟男生的射jing有点像,都是啪啪啪高巢时的一种生理表现。 但巢吹可不等于高巢,它可能发生在高巢前,也可能发生在高巢后。
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21-04-23 19:30操作
那为什么有的人只能高巢,无法巢吹? 很多人被小电影误导,以为巢吹就像小片片里一样,就跟喷泉一样,喷出大量的液体,才是真正的巢吹。 实际上,真正的巢吹分为很多种不同的形态: 第一种,喷射出少量的液体,毕竟斯基恩氏腺只是个小小的腺体,无法承受太多的液体。 第二种,流出很多液体但不会喷,如果你拥有足够打湿床单的液体,这也被看做是一种巢吹。 第三种,就像小片片里一样,可以喷出大量的液体,不过这种比较少见。 你可能会困惑,很多小片片里不都是最后一种吗?怎么还少见? 其实小片片里的女演员大多为了视觉效果,通常会在事前大量饮水,即使没有巢吹,她们也能“喷出来”,这种十有八九不是真的“巢吹”啦~ 所以,如果你经历过很满足的高巢,却从来没有巢吹,很有可能只是“没有你印象中的巢吹”。 下次啪啪啪之后可以观察一下床单,如果湿淋淋的一片,或者在啪啪啪时如涓涓流水,这也可能是一种巢吹哦。
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21-04-23 23:18操作


cqcq 发表于 2021-04-21 21:20

哈哈哈 笑岔气 你好可爱!

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21-04-24 07:31操作



CuminLamb 发表于 2021-04-21 19:39


Differential diagnostics of female sexual fluids: a narrative review

Zlatko Pastor & Roman Chmel

Received: 9 October 2017 / Accepted: 24 November 2017

The International Urogynecological Association 2017 


Women expel various kinds of fluids during sexual activi- ties [1]. The prevalence is around 10–54% [25], and the quantity of the fluid ranges from 0.3 to 900 mL [510]. Expulsion may be manifested by the feelings of wetness, secretion, discharge, or massive fluid emission. Controversial opinions on the fluids’ origin, quantity, com- position, and expulsion mechanism exist [11], and discrep- ancy in terminology, inaccurate characteristics, and unclear fluid expulsion mechanisms have resulted in an incorrect understanding. Most often, the fluids are described as fe- male ejaculation because of its similarity to male ejacula- tion. Previous research reported that Skene’s paraurethral glands (the female prostate) are the source of expulsion [26, 12, 13]. Moreover, discrepancy in the amount of expelled fluid [25, 9] and the prevalence of various ex- pulsions [59] were associated with the erroneous assump- tion that the fluids expelled were identical and from the same source. Currently, the expelled fluids could be related to various phenomena [10, 14, 15]. A smaller volume of fluids may be expelled by the female prostate [7, 8, 10, 13, 1621], vagina [22], or Bartholin’s glands [23]. A larger volume could originate from the urinary bladder [6, 7, 10, 14, 15]. Fluid emission could be a common and desirable manifestation of sexual arousal (vaginal lubrication), a physiological sexual response (squirting, SQ; female ejac- ulation, FE), a result of coital incontinence (CI), or a com- bination of various fluids. 

Vaginal lubrication fluid

Lubrication fluid is an ultra-filtrate of blood plasma. Blood flow in the genital area is increased during sexual arousal, and LF from the vaginal venous plexus enters the vaginal lumen transvaginally [25, 32, 36]. The vaginal fluid may also contain peritoneal and follicular fluid, uterine fluid, cervical fluid, and secretions from Bartholin’s and Skene’s glands [28]. The daily production is approximately 6 g [32]. LF is characterized by high potassium and low sodium concentrations compared with plasma [29] and has an average pH of 4.7 (range, 3.4–6.4) [27]. The mean vaginal discharge quantity is 1.5 g/8 h (maximum at mid-cycle, 2.0 g/8 h), although the amount varies significantly between the different days of the cycle; low mean values may be observed on days 7 and 26 (1.4 g/8 h) [30]. During sexual stimulation, LF production is increased to 0.7 mL/15 min [26], and both sodium and chloride ion concentrations also increase [29]. Kinsey et al. assumed that vaginal fluid may be forced out by the contractions of the perivaginal muscles; thus, it resembles fluid expulsion [22]. 

Female ejaculation and female prostate

A Breal^ FE is the secretion of an extremely scanty (few milliliters), milky fluid by the female prostate [7, 10, 15], which was described by de Graaf in 1762 and later de- scribed as Skene’s paraurethral glands [11, 38]. The fe- male prostate is an exocrine organ of variable size and location and contains cellular equipment for neuroendo- crine activity [33, 39]. According to various authors, it exists in only two-thirds of women [40], 1 in 2 women [41], or in 6 out of 7 women [42]. It weighs 2.6 to 5.2 g, consists of a maximum of one tenth to one quarter of the male prostate (23.7 g), and consists of glands, ducts, and musculofibrous tissues. Compared with the male prostate, it has more musculofibrous tissues and ducts, but substan- tially fewer glands (Table 3) [33]. 

The female prostate’s secretion contains a high concentra- tion of PSA, prostatic-specific acid phosphatase, fructose, and glucose (Table 2) [8, 19]. It histomorphologically resembles the male prostate before puberty [40]. According to Zaviačič et al., the prostatic (paraurethral) ducts penetrate into the lu- men of the urethra along its whole length [33]. Dwyer argues that single or multiple orifices are on the sides of the urethral meatus [40]. The role of the female prostate is unclear; some studies assume that prostate secretions have an antimicrobial or protective effect against urinary tract infections [49]. 

Squirting (gushing)

Squirting is the involuntary expulsion of a substantial amount of urine during sexual activity [14]. Until recently, most or- gasmic emissions have been erroneously called the FE [10, 14, 19, 37]. Currently, such massive gushes at orgasm are referred to as squirting (gushing) [10, 14]. The biochemical composition of this fluid could be identical to urine [14] or its diluted form [10]. The volume of massive gushes (which could be recurring) usually ranges from 15 to 110 mL (medi- an, 60 mL), and the color is most frequently described as Bclear as water^ [7, 9, 14]. The fluid may be contaminated by the female prostate secretion and may contain a small con- centration of PSA [7, 10]. Squirting occurs during sexual stim- ulation of the clitoro-urethro-vaginal complex [10, 14]. Women and their partners consider squirting to be a positive phenomenon that improves their sexual life [9]. 

Coital incontinence

Coital incontinence is manifested by an involuntary leakage of urine during sexual intercourse and could be classified into penetration and orgasm forms [50]. The prevalence of CI in women with urinary incontinence (UI) ranges from 10 to 67% [5155]. Compared with women with detrusor overactivity (DOA), women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) more frequently report CI [53, 55]. Women with CI always have abnormal urodynamic parameters, unlike women with ejacu- lation orgasm (FE or SQ) without CI [34]. Some studies cor- relate penetration CI with the diagnosis of SUI and orgasmic CI with DOA [51, 55]; other studies in this regard are rather ambiguous [5561]. 

Sources, volume, and mechanism of expelled fluids

The fluid expelled at SQ has a definite origin (the urinary bladder) [7, 10, 14], which may accumulate hundreds of mil- liliters of fluid; the contractions of musculus detrusor vesicae facilitate the massive expulsions. When we assessed previous research, we found that most of the orgasmic expulsions, which are currently most likely referred to as SQ, are de- scribed as FE [2, 6, 13, 17, 20, 23]. The authors considered all female orgasmic expulsions analogous to male ejaculation [13] and noted that the female prostate is the main source of the fluids [33]. The female prostate may produce fluid bio- chemically comparable with the male prostate secretion; how- ever, the quantity squirted at an orgasm differs [14]. Transurethral expulsion and their origin in the urinary bladder were confirmed by catheterizing the urinary bladder [7] or by ultrasound bladder examination before and after SQ [14].

With the bladder’s capacity (around 500 mL), expulsions with an average volume of 60 mL during sexual stimulation may be repeated [9, 14]. Schubach assumed that during sexual excitation (increased blood pressure, faster glomerular filtra- tion, changes in hormonally conditioned reabsorption mecha- nisms in the kidneys), the bladder is filled more rapidly with less concentrated urine [7]. Such a premise could explain why some authors (Schubach, 8 respondents; Rubio-Casillas and Jannini, 1 respondent) reported that SQ is composed of diluted urine, which contains much less uric acid, urea, and creatinine [7, 10], whereas others claim that the fluid at SQ is identical in biochemical composition to urine (Salama, 7 women; our un- published study, 1 woman) [14]. Moreover, Wimpissinger et al. proved that in two women, using their expelled fluid, which they considered FE, a high PSA and glucose content (without volume data), unlike voided urine [19]. Goldberg et al. showed that the fluid emitted in six patients is chemically similar to urine [6]. The chemical analysis (prostatic acid phosphatase [PAP], urea, creatinine, glucose) in a previous case report involving one patient indicated that the expulsion fluid was not urine [13]. Neither Goldberg et al. [6] nor Addiego et al. [13] provided the exact volumes of the emitted fluid. Nevertheless, most likely, the volume of the bladder content and urine concentration immediately before initiating sexual activity and the possible dilution during sexual stimu- lation play a substantial role in the composition of the expelled fluid at SQ. The concentration of the emitted fluid may be influenced by other factors, such as water intake, surrounding temperature, physical activity, metabolic condition, hormonal activity, overall health condition, and psychogenic aspects.

Previous studies with a small number of women with SQ (16 respondents) had contradictory conclusions and thus could not establish a clear mechanism of the creation of the expelled fluid [7, 10, 14]. The function of the bladder sphinc- ter, which should be closed during sexual arousal and orgasm, remains to be clearly identified [11]. However, according to Khan et al., involuntary bladder contraction and relaxation of the sphincter during female orgasm are possible [57].

Earlier studies described most fluid expulsions as FE, and the female prostate was considered to be the main source [62], releasing 3–50 mL of fluid (Bullough et al., 3–12 mL; Goldberg et al., 3–15 mL; Zaviačič et al., 1–5 mL; Heath, 30–50 mL; Belzer, 10 mL) [5, 6, 8, 17, 20]. The main evi- dence of the female prostate as the origin of the fluid was the presence of PSA (or PAP) in the emission. Although PSA is the main marker of female prostate secretion, PSA may also be found in lower concentrations in the fluids expelled from other sources, such as the vagina and urinary bladder, which could be associated with contamination by the female prostate secretion during simultaneous expulsions from the other sources. According to Rubio-Casillas and Jannini, a decreas- ing PSA concentration is observed in the following: female ejaculate > urine > squirting > vaginal secretion [10]. However, a previous study demonstrated that the female pros- tate could not be the source of massive expulsions considering its size, structure, and secretion capacity. On average, it weighs 2.6 to 5.2 g and it is four to five times smaller than the male prostate. Moreover, the glandular and ductal compo- nents are in reverse ratio to those of the male prostate [33]. The average volume of male ejaculate is 3.6 mL (1.2–7.6), of which 15–30% is from the male prostate; the secretion volume of the male prostate ranges roughly from 0.2 to 2.3 mL [4346]. The secretion volume of the female prostate is around 1 mL [10, 19]. Hence, the female prostate could not be the main source of the massive fluid expulsions. 


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21-04-24 13:13操作

回复 1楼CuminLamb的帖子

在另外一個主題裏 性愛殺手,CuminLamb 版主 問到我:「怎么区分潮吹水和尿?」我在這裏回答更為貼主題。

第 #31 #35 樓層:

回复 31楼xinchina的帖子


回想有一次他口我那時,即使我潮吹的不是潮吹水而是尿尿,他也沒有打扰我的性兴。是他先如此以身作则不计较 messy 地热衷于性爱才带领到我也提升了我对messy 的容忍度。

MeekSarah 发表于 2021-04-03 13:04



自从我先生成功把潮吹引进在性爱我的过程中 的初阶段裏,他很是兴奋。

在一次性爱中,他有意仰卧在我臀部下 把口放在我阴道下,我打开两大腿跪在他的口上,他用手指,口和舌头按揉,舔,顶我阴唇,阴蒂,要弄出我潮吹汁液来给他喝进肚子里。


完事后他给我的战后报告就是后来两次的他尝出是尿尿。我从他的 战后报告 对上 「我当时的确在最后两次是在交功课的状态下放水的」 入座了。

自那次以后,我能从自己当时的生理性兴奋度,思想投入度 来分辨放出的将会是潮吹水还是尿尿。若果是尿尿,我会预先告诉他,我想尿尿。由他选择以何方式给我尿尿。

有时,他选择带我去浴缸,继续刺激我阴蒂,指示我: 「give yourself to Sir. 」「don''t hold anything back.」「answer me who own your pussy?」当我听到这些话语从他口出时,我的兴奋度顿时急升,带动生理反应就当场尿尿。

有时,他选择叠厚几重毛巾,吩咐我「butt up」,然后把毛巾垫在我臀部下,再吩咐我「butt down」,指示我:「don''t worry about the mess, Sir has got it covered. 」他会因看到我 以顺服他为首而放下自己的洁癖不再执着听听话话地把自己交托给他 照他吩咐放水 而使得我与他同步更上层楼性兴奋度大大地提升。

有时,他没有毛巾就手,会脱去自己的棉质短袖内衣给我做垫。上周的一次性爱中便是如此。他不让我去厕所尿尿,叫我想办法就地(躺卧在放水沙发和几重毯子和他的棉质短袖内衣上)尿尿。我生理上一时尿不出,然后想想平时他是继续用手刺激我,直到我喷的。我这次学着自己用手来淫自己的阴蒂,很容易就尿出。 好在事前我喝了许多水,所以放出来的水很淡而多,他兴奋得第一次把那沾满我体液和我体温犹存的内衣往我裸体上涂抹。暖暖的有感他在为我施行sponge bath, 我在他的照顾下恍如一个婴孩,无忧无虑无愁。之后他带我进浴室给我下沐浴液,给我刷身,给我清洗,我什么也不用做,尽管享受在他的悉心高质素的照料下。

事后我问他为何我当时 生理上竟然明明有尿急的感觉 却一时尿不出 ?他说当一个人在性兴奋状态下的自然生理反应就是不尿。

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21-04-25 08:47操作


.... um.... experienced them all.... depends on situations....

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21-04-25 08:49操作
回复 24楼chris009的帖子


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21-04-25 10:28操作


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21-04-25 10:49操作


TNT0517 发表于 2021-04-25 10:28

我个人的观点取向是 如此 sort out this information: 


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21-04-25 10:51操作
回复 24楼chris009的帖子


QianShuiDe 发表于 2021-04-25 08:49

欢迎各位做个网上资料搜索,看看有没有论文专门回答楼上第 #29 楼层的问题?

记得回来做个资料 reference 报告。 谢谢!

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21-04-25 13:18操作


Modern studies estimate the phenomenon is experienced in some form by anywhere from 10-54% of women and, according to a 2013 study of 320 participants, the amount of ejaculate released can range from approximately 0.3ml to more than 150ml. That's anything from a few drops to half a cup. Aug 5, 2019




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21-04-25 13:31操作

欢迎各位做个网上资料搜索,看看有没有论文专门回答楼上第 #29 楼层的问题?

记得回来做个资料 reference 报告。 谢谢!

MeekSarah 发表于 2021-04-25 10:51


潮吹现象在女性身上发生的频繁程度,统计差距之大也令人咂舌,著名性学家马斯特斯和约翰逊(Masters Jhonson)的统计表明,只有4.7%的女性出现过潮吹现象。而现实中,体会过潮吹的女性应该更是少之又少吧!

第一次对女性射液这种现象进行科学性研究的是一位叫做雷尼尔•德•格拉弗(Reinjier De Graaf,1641–1673)的妇科医师。在其研究论文中,他首次使用了“女性前列腺”(Female Prostatae)一词。他发现在女性的阴道周围,分布着许多腺体,大约有一指宽。反复刺激它们,能产生大量的浆液,这些浆液由尿道附近排出,其功能和男性前列腺相似。后来,德国内科医师鲁道夫•菲尔绍(Rudolf Virchow,1821–1902)在自己的病理学论文中,又将女性前列腺改称为“尿道旁腺”(Paraurethral Glands)。

后来,苏格兰妇科医生亚历山大•斯基恩(Alexander Skene,1837–1900)发现了一个叫做“斯基恩氏腺”(Skene’s Glands)的部位,并且详细描述了它的解剖结构。根据描述看来,女性前列腺、尿道旁腺和斯基恩氏腺似乎讲的是同一个地方。

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21-04-25 16:08操作

我个人的观点取向是 如此 sort out this information: 


MeekSarah 发表于 2021-04-25 10:49

Female Ejaculation Orgasm vs. Coital Incontinence: A Systematic Review

Zlatko Pastor, MD*†

*Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, 2nd Medical Faculty, Teaching Hospital Motol, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic; †Institute of Sexology, 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

DOI: 10.1111/jsm.12166 

Fluid expulsion during female sexual arousal is well documented [1]. It is not typically associ- ated with female orgasm but has been observed in some women [2,3]. The prevalence has been reported to be 10–54% [4–7], with the quantity of fluid ranging from 1 mL [8] up to 900 mL [7,9–11]. 

1 Korda JB, Goldstein SW, Sommer F. The history of female ejaculation. J Sex Med 2010;7:1965–75.  https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1743-6109.2010.01720.x

2 Shafik A, Shafik IA, El Sibai O, Shafik AA. An electrophysi- ologic study of female ejaculation. J Sex Marital Ther 2009;35: 337–46.

3 Leiblum SR, Needle R. Female ejaculation: Fact or fiction. Curr Sex Health Rep 2006;3:85–8.

4 Perry JD, Whipple B. Pelvic muscle strength of female ejaculators—Evidence in support of a new theory of orgasm. J Sex Res 1981;17:22–39.

5 Zaviacˇicˇ M. The human female prostate. Bratislava: Slovak Academic Press; 1999.

6 Darling CA, Davidson JK, Conwaywelch C. Female ejaculation—Perceived origins, the Grafenberg spot area, and sexual responsiveness. Arch Sex Behav 1990;19:29–47.

7 BulloughB,DavidM,WhippleB,DixonJ,AllgeierER,Drury KC. Subjective reports of female orgasmic expulsion of fluid. Nurse. Practitioner 1984;9:55–9. 




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21-04-25 21:03操作

[1] Joanna B Korda , Sue W Goldstein, Frank Sommer. Sexual Medicine Story: The History of Female Ejaculation[J]. The Journal of Sex Medicine, 2010, 7(5): 1965–1975

女性射精的历史[J]. 性医学杂志

[2] Nick Fleming: A Review of Female Ejaculation During Orgasm


[3] New insights from one case of female ejaculation. [J Sex Med. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI


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21-05-03 14:56操作



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21-05-07 00:14操作

喷涌而出,必须事先放一个大毛巾 毛巾会全部湿掉。

而且很容易知道不是尿啊 第一没有颜色 第二没有尿的那种骚味。

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21-09-22 05:00操作


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21-09-22 09:45操作


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21-09-22 10:35操作

據説潮吹可以訓練出來, 我只有過一次, 沒什麽特別的感覺, 也就是給男方帶來些成就感。所以我不會刻意去練習這個。
