人体能做到很多事情,我以前试过去追求不同的高潮体验,比如nipple,后来觉得还是be happy with what I have吧, 没有就是没有,不是能追求得来的。
人体能做到很多事情,我以前试过去追求不同的高潮体验,比如nipple,后来觉得还是be happy with what I have吧, 没有就是没有,不是能追求得来的。
回复 100楼nikifull的帖子[/url][url]https://www.health.com/condition/sexual-health/different-types-of-orgasms-0
人体能做到很多事情,我以前试过去追求不同的高潮体验,比如nipple,后来觉得还是be happy with what I have吧, 没有就是没有,不是能追求得来的。
xinchina 发表于 2021-01-05 13:09
A 2018 study that tried to carefully distinguish between these types of intercourse, found that cisgender women were most likely to report having orgasms when clitoral stimulation occurred during intercourse.1
More than half reported having orgasms in that circumstance. In contrast, less than a third reported orgasms during intercourse with no clitoral stimulation.One of the most comprehensive studies of orgasmic experiences among cisgender women during intercourse was completed in Finland using data from almost 50 years of surveys.2 That study found that only 40% to 50% experienced orgasms most or all of the time during sexual intercourse, with that number declining with age.
It also found that, during sexual intercourse, more than half usually achieved orgasm through both vaginal and clitoral stimulation, one-third through clitoral stimulation, and only 6% through vaginal stimulation.
靠阴道刺激就能高潮的,都是少数群体,大部分人还是阴蒂和阴道的双重刺激达到高潮。虽然大家都有g spot,但是女性靠阴蒂刺激才能高潮,依旧是普遍现象。
回复 76楼枕戈待旦的帖子我要是没记错版主说的是磨阴蒂吧?上位的时候,前后动的。
其实阴道里面的各个点,包括子宫颈,也是以 grind and tap 为主, 大幅度的进进出出没必要,反而会引起不适
Slou9900 发表于 2021-01-05 00:37
我认为阴蒂高潮前,完成了 85-90% 的时候进入,效果也会很好。不需要过早进,那真是一点感觉都没有。即使进入也继续保持阴蒂 somehow 被照顾到,比如用温热的手掌捂住 pubic mound, 或者俯下身保证耻骨被挤压到
高潮前身体肌肤尽量保持大面积的接触,肌肤之亲肌肤之亲,extreme physical closeness, tight physical contact 能让人大脑产生特殊化学物质。
还有如果大脑已经被 hard wired 教育了自己是不容易的那一类,大脑被一个负面想法控制了的时候是不可能进入状态的,只会离阴道高潮这个目标越来越远。完全不要去想自己行不行,试一次把自己灌醉,remove inhibition,delay entry as much as you can, 把自己弄得非常 hot,wait, 再 wait 一会,学会 build up 但不去满足。看过好多人说一旦高潮过一次,不管是哪里,自己身体自然就知道下次该怎么努力了。所以,all you need is the first time
yeisa 发表于 2021-01-04 20:35
还有一点,我个人一直以来高度怀疑潮喷液体其实是原尿。我们人类每天产生150-180升的原尿,无时无刻源源不断,99%被重新吸收,只有1%变成终尿排出体外。原尿这个词没有英文counterpart , 我查来查去讲同样过程 urine formation 英文文章里面只有 urine filtrate 这个词。anyway,原尿不是尿,颜色非常淡甚至无色,富含葡萄糖和其他有用物质。这就解释了为什么有人之前上厕所中间再上一次但是还是会有潮喷液,这个液体哪里来,为什么兴奋的时候会有尿意,明明刚上过厕所不久 ------ 原尿产量非常大,每分钟就有100-150毫升经过肾脏。虽然正常情况下绝大部分重新进入体循环只有1%留下来进入下游工序变成终尿,但是遇到合适的trigger, 比如性兴奋,比如紧张(acute nervousness/mental stress, not chronic stress), more filtrate is re-routed toward downstream instead of reentry into circulation , 所以这几种情况下会很快有尿意,而且是往往会 multiple times。
Bourne Identity 里面 Jason 和 Marie 为了躲避追杀在脏兮兮的小旅馆里面,就是这种 fight or flight response type of stress,他们激情戏那一段非常好理解。我有个好朋友去南亚深海 free diving, 那几小时把我紧张的,每20分钟就需要上厕所。在这种精神极度紧张的情况下做,效果会出乎意料地好
A 2018 study that tried to carefully distinguish between these types of intercourse, found that cisgender women were most likely to report having orgasms when clitoral stimulation occurred during intercourse.1
More than half reported having orgasms in that circumstance. In contrast, less than a third reported orgasms during intercourse with no clitoral stimulation.One of the most comprehensive studies of orgasmic experiences among cisgender women during intercourse was completed in Finland using data from almost 50 years of surveys.2 That study found that only 40% to 50% experienced orgasms most or all of the time during sexual intercourse, with that number declining with age.
It also found that, during sexual intercourse, more than half usually achieved orgasm through both vaginal and clitoral stimulation, one-third through clitoral stimulation, and only 6% through vaginal stimulation.
靠阴道刺激就能高潮的,都是少数群体,大部分人还是阴蒂和阴道的双重刺激达到高潮。虽然大家都有g spot,但是女性靠阴蒂刺激才能高潮,依旧是普遍现象。
xinchina 发表于 2021-01-05 13:21
这也是我支持 using a vibrator during sex 的原因。
回复 10楼ifyouloveme的帖子阴蒂是一个100%能高潮的器官,只要能高潮就好,干嘛纠结哪来的高潮。
xinchina 发表于 2021-01-04 19:39
我觉得阴道高潮的感觉很彻底,阴蒂高潮只会让我想被填充满满的。 我个人更喜欢阴道高潮! 被filled up 和撑开的感觉很爽,还有对方够硬够粗的话,你可以感觉到阴道壁的皮肤和他阴茎的皮肤的摩擦 还有形状也很关键,我喜欢直的,不喜欢弯的
小颗粒 发表于 2021-01-05 12:25
回复 100楼nikifull的帖子[/url][url]https://www.health.com/condition/sexual-health/different-types-of-orgasms-0
人体能做到很多事情,我以前试过去追求不同的高潮体验,比如nipple,后来觉得还是be happy with what I have吧, 没有就是没有,不是能追求得来的。
xinchina 发表于 2021-01-05 13:09
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