讚!果然是 metaphorical brain 比我這 ASD 的 強多了,都能理解到弦外之音。
我還特意搜索了 有關資料:來到了這網址 學習學習:
“Using autism as a lens through which to consider the issue, they review data that indicate dissociations in the comprehension of literal and figurative language within individuals with ASD. Ultimately, they suggest figurative language deficits in ASD stem from the difficulty these individuals have integrating contextual information to build the situation model.”
MeekSarah 发表于 2022-01-09 16:15
“In particular, they suggest that the LH exhibits semantic rigidity, manifested by networks in which each node is connected to a small number of other nodes. Rigid networks are well suited for the rapid retrieval of conventional meanings, but ill-suited for creating meanings needed for novel metaphors. The RH exhibits semantic chaos, manifested by highly inter-connected networks that enable fast connections between semantically distant concepts. ”
一个不恰当的比方,literal language / 左半球,好比 artificial neural network 的 regularization (L1 / L2 / Dropout) 的力度比较弱,比较倾向于 overfitting,但好处的已知环境下 (inception is more close to training dataset) 的 separation quality 比较强。
而 metaphorical language / 右边球,好比 artificial neural network 的 regularization 的力度很大,这样不太 overfitting,在未知环境下 (inception is more different from training dataset) 也能给相对合理的结果。但缺点就是已知环境下的 separation quality 不是那么好。
人类大脑进化还是很强的,有左右半球两个 network, regularization 的设置不一样,然后 prefrontal cortex 来仲裁 。。。 当然 prefrontal cortex 很大程度上还是个谜。