我有这个的男生版 网上相亲认识, 很快就有肉体接触, 但女的死活不让进, 每次都是互相用手解决。 而且女的需求还很多。 持续了1年多。 男生带女的见过父母朋友,送了戒指,打算结婚, 女的还是不让实质性ML。 男生很frustrated, 开始怀疑女生是否真的爱他, 或是生理上不能ML, 有点害怕结婚后还会这样被她这样sexually控制。
He is gay and you are his beard.
But you are not that into him either.
I’ve know girls who abstain from sex before marriage. These girls keep their living arrangement clean-cut too. They won’t live together with boyfriends.
LZ is not that into her boyfriend yet she is eager to live together and want a marriage to happen after a decent lapse of time.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-9 18:44:36编辑过]
我有这个的男生版 网上相亲认识, 很快就有肉体接触, 但女的死活不让进, 每次都是互相用手解决。 而且女的需求还很多。 持续了1年多。 男生带女的见过父母朋友,送了戒指,打算结婚, 女的还是不让实质性ML。 男生很frustrated, 开始怀疑女生是否真的爱他, 或是生理上不能ML, 有点害怕结婚后还会这样被她这样sexually控制。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-11 10:13:42编辑过]
co ORZ
Maybe that is the problem?
这个男人绝对有问题!!先不说他爱不爱你。 一个有正常生理欲望的男人,5年没有性关系,还不想结婚 - 那他生理不正常。生理不正常的男人要他干嘛?
I have similar situation like lz. we dated about 4 years instead of 5. We've never had sex because I strongly refused. At first, I refused it because I don't want to do it before marriage. I don't think it's right. But later on, I found even if sometimes I want to do it, we couldn't, because I'm cn, and his thing is huge that he definitelly can not go in. Now, I just lost interest to do it. I feel like my hormal level is really low. only a few days before my period, I have a little bit feelings. otherwise, I really don't like sex at all. My bf said I'm not physically attracted to him. I don't know. What do you mean by physically attracted? The first time will be very painful, how mms are so brave to try it if you don't know this man is going to marry you? But his excuse is if he is not sure if we are able to have sex, why should he get married?
but if it does not work after the test drive, your first time will be gone.
Plus, test drive what? you can tell by other behaviors related to sex, instead of intercourse, which is more dangerous.
偶不大懂你的意思,啥叫you can tell by other behaviors related to sex, instead of intercourse, which is more dangerous呀
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