I like Kidman most.
And I feel happy for Zhang Ziyi
I like Kidman most.
And I feel happy for Zhang Ziyi
totally agree
My top list:
Jessica Alba
Jennifer Aniston
Ziyi Zhang
*主持人在介绍两个人出场颁奖的时候,说这二人是他最希望的全人类在经过核屠杀灭绝后剩下的给人类延续香火的最后两位。这两位:女是Jessica Alba, 男是绿巨人和慕尼黑的英俊男主角。
介个没有注意到,细细 两个我最喜欢的人阿
*Robert Altman 获终身成就奖。人已垂垂老矣,身后留下若干精品。获奖感言非常感人而且幽默。在感谢了他的老妻和他的儿孙后,他说,93年他提名的时候,刚刚做了心脏手术,幸亏那会没得奖。要不他就没有机会活着到今天来领奖了。
介个作者听错了把. 最后他说的是他做了心脏移植,用的是一个30岁的人的心脏,所以奥斯卡给他终身成就奖似乎早了点.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-6 17:34:52编辑过]
yeah~ he said he's still young. he still has 60 *or 40? can't remember* years to go!
I think I saw her left nipple when she was on the stage.
totally agree!!!
Hilary Swank in Versace.
Versace RTW Fall 2006
Diane Krueger in an Elie Saab strapless gown with white and gold. Fred Leighton jewels.
Elie Saab Spring 2006 Couture
this one, too, the model looks better
Salma Hayek in Versace.
this is so beautiful on the model, stunning
if the model wears it to the red carpet, i'd choose this as the best dress of the night
as for now, i love alba's
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-6 19:11:35编辑过]
Ziyi Zhang wears a black scalloped seashell-shaped lace bustier with jet beading, worn with a grey Swarovski crystal encrusted full crinoline skirt. All by Giorgio Armani.
the fashion police said the designer make a christmas tree and donate it, make it to have the shape. funny!!!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-6 20:09:28编辑过]
totally agree!!!
I thought Jon Stewart was great... Well, maybe he doesn't come off as funny to people who don't understand sarcasm... I thought his jokes were right on! Of course, you would have to know all the references to appreciate his work...