Jake on Brokeback Mountain
Having won Four Golden Globe awards thus far, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN continues it’s steam-locomotive push towards the 2006 Oscars. A major part of the magic of that film is the star-crossed lover chemistry onscreen between Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger) and Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal), two gay rough and tumble cowboys in Wyoming.
Gyllenhaal doesn’t focus on the "big" issues of having on-screen sex with a male co-star, instead he delves deeper into the real heart of the character’s problems. Gyllenhaal feels that his character, while not being able to be as isolated as Ledger’s, is just as alone in his sense of connecting to the world around him, and ultimately with his relationship to the man he loves. The film changed Gyllenhaal’s views on intimacy between couples and forced him to go to a place he had not been to before as an actor, and made him more accepting of the plight of the gay community for acceptance.
"I think it's about the struggles of two people dealing with intimacy, to me ultimately," says Gyllenhaal. "This thing that you see in movies all the time is 'Oh it's supposed to happen between these two people.' Particularly a guy and a girl; and you are supposed to get the girl, you are supposed to lose the girl, and you are supposed to get the girl again. If I learned anything I think it's just like working with [director] Ang Lee, there is a real benevolence in everything he does. I remember when I saw SENSE AND SENSIBILITY, my Mom always says that I walked out saying 'I feel so clean.' And I think you walk out of this film feeling kind of devastated in a lot of ways, but also feeling like a real sense of benevolence and I think the process of making the film produced that too. I mean yes he manipulated us. Yes in a way he very gently abused us, but I walked out of this experience going, there is a real kind of benevolence. If Heath and I could do it then it should be okay for the real people who are really doing this to do it."
The sex scenes were not a big issue to the young actor, who treated them just as if they were any other part of the movie. There of course, was good-natured joking on-set during those moments, which are some of the most intense in the movie, but to Gyllenhaal the lovemaking scenes were a dance choreographed by director Lee.
"We talked about it, we joked about it, and we would poke fun while we were doing it here," reveals Gyllenhaal. "It's one of those things where you kind of don't make it into the biggest deal. It would have put too much pressure on a scene if we were like 'What do we have to do? Oh my God, we have to do this!' To me the physical stuff was easy. It's choreography, it's a dance. That's how we did it. Just like in [Lee’s] CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON, the fight scenes were like love scenes. Everybody draws a metaphor for those scenes. They do have choreography to them, they are very aggressive. For us it was like we were doing a dance, we were choreographing a fight scene, there was a choreography and so for me it was just getting the steps right for the camera and it's amazing as an actor, how the things you are feeling translate and when you are not feeling it how that translates."
Gyllenhaal does admit however, that the sex scenes with co-star Anne Hathaway, who plays his wife in the film, were a bit easier for him to do.
"Oh, now it gets more complicated," says Gyllenhaal with a laugh. "It was easier for me to, I mean, yeah she is a very beautiful girl. That's all I can say. She's a very, very beautiful girl. She's very beautiful."
Gyllenhaal feels that while both his character and Ledger’s deal with being gay and closeted, Gyllenhaal had to deal with the fact that his character Jack was far more open and less apologetic that Ledger’s character Ennis.
"I walked all those scenes with Anne thinking she knows," reveals Gyllenhaal. "I never was hiding anything from her as actor. I just thought ‘oh we both know, I'm going off to fishing she knows what I am going to do. How could she not?’ I think Heath's whole thing was hiding and hiding and hiding and hiding and hiding."
On the other hand Gyllenhaal also feels, that maybe because of the differences in the two characters, Ledger gets to portray someone who stays more faithful to the relationship than Gyllenhaal does.
"In some ways I think maybe Ennis' love is stronger because there is a faithfulness to that and I think you see it happen," he admits. "I think Jack eventually says ‘I'm going to have to go on with my life, I'm going to have to find somebody else and find intimacy with him.’ He does, at the end his Dad says he brought some other guy here and they were going to want to work on a farm."
In the end, Gyllenhaal chocks up his on-screen romantic chemistry with co-star Ledger to the simple bonds of trust and friendship that they formed while making the movie.
"For Heath and I, I think it's a friendship and a trust that as actors we were going to go someplace that we both were afraid of and we knew that we were," says Gyllenhaal. "We just trusted each other. I think in that trust was chemistry and there was a real connection in that. He was a great guy and we were just kind of friends from the beginning. We both admired what it took to play both the characters we were playing and we knew at a certain point we only had each other because we never knew how people were going to respond to the movie, so we kind of just joined up and said 'Fuck 'em, lets go for it.' And we did and I think you probably see that. I think that's a lot of the chemistry. At a certain point it's pretty mundane and pretty cold on a set no matter what you are doing or who you are doing it with but Ang did it in such a tasteful way that it's kind of hard to look at it. There are probably things that if he asked me to do I would have probably said no, but it was just done in my opinion a really respectful and very beautiful way."