以下是引用大闸蟹在6/19/2012 2:55:00 PM的发言:
drinking water is meant to fill your bladder with urine. Fluid filled structure is a much better acoustic window then nonuniform soft tissue such as muscle and fat, so basically, drinking water can yield better sonographic images.
the report, the images, as well as all the result of your lab test, should be available upon request. Certain older labs don't have things in digital format, therefore images are not available to the patients. Most larger newer labs can provide a cdrom with all the images and report after you sign certain paperwork. you can inquire the details at the place performing your ultrasound.
Most patients don't get to talk to the radiologist, if you do without specifically requesting one, it's usually not a good thing. However, some places or radiologist will accommodate certain request if you ask nicely, it all depends. Report won't be available immediately after your ultrasound. Again, depends on the system and workflow at the place performing your exam, it usually takes 24-48hr. We have policy to keep things under 24hr, usually 2-4hr.谢谢大家的建议,约了后天作b超,然后一个月以后看一个妇科专科医生。希望没有什么大事情。还有,b超的地方让我提前喝2*8oz的水,做子宫b超,需要喝水么?都不知道这个不靠谱的家庭医生给我Order的b超对不对症。b超结果当时就可以拿到么?我不想再回家庭医生那里听诊断了,我想把这个报告带去下个月约看的妇科医生那里,不知道b超室能不能让我把报告拿走。