虽然看不到,大概知道你要干什么了。吃避孕药。 不过要提前问好医生,乱吃还是会来的。
虽然看不到,大概知道你要干什么了。吃避孕药。 不过要提前问好医生,乱吃还是会来的。
I once took a diving class for two weeks and right in the middle I got mine..I didn't want to miss the opportunity to dive so asked friends around for advice on how to use tampon...all american girls assured me there is no problem at all...they all told me in fact their doctors recommend some exercise during period to help the flow...use "plastic applicator" kind..pearl is good...
I finished my diving class fine. since then sometime when I went swimming in the ocean I also used it..
[/UserCP][此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-21 23:08:34编辑过]
I once took a diving class for two weeks and right in the middle I got mine..I didn't want to miss the opportunity to dive so asked friends around for advice on how to use tampon...all american girls assured me there is no problem at all...they all told me in fact their doctors recommend some exercise during period to help the flow...use "plastic applicator" kind..pearl is good...
I finished my diving class fine. since then sometime when I went swimming in the ocean I also used it..
[/UserCP]thanks so much for your information. So there won't be any leaking using tampon?
吃避孕药来不及了,那个要你自然的 pd 来的第一天开始吃。吃中国出的事后避孕药,好象叫什么 "舒停"? 吃完了大姨妈马上就来。应该美国也有,事后的。