7. South Central...
...is in Arkansas, judging from the peculiar combination of slang and accent you'll probably encounter. The district is known for geographic fickleness, though, and may occasionally surface anywhere from the fabled Canadas to the flowering kingdoms of the Orient.
6. Robots...
...are the future, and their distorted voices may be incomprehensible to you, but you must allow them to shoot you in your imaginary videogame brain. All the while thanking your weak, human gods that your future masters presently occupy themselves playing Halo rather than crushing the multitudes of simpering fleshlings beneath their steely tread.
5. Girls...
...may be vocally indistinguishable from 12-year-old boys. Mistaking the former for the latter and accosting them verbally will make you feel bad about yourself. At least, until you realize that the possession of ovaries does not make anyone any less of an idiot.[upload=jpg,nintendo_girls_lg_1.jpg]UploadFile/2008-12/2008121312234618041.jpg[/upload]
4. Chocolate Milk...
...is a delicious nectar, and you should never cease your pursuit of it. Your obese, promiscuous mother will provide it on demand-you have only to shriek to her of your need for it.
chocolate milk 的来源
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-13 12:26:26编辑过]