changes always happen sooner than your plan.
公司一小美28,4个娃,老大11岁。他老婆忙得团团转。老二玩baseball,socer,gym每样都很出色,都在most competitive team。小孩也很出色。他跟我说,他们受不了了,经济上精力上都跟不上,打算停掉gym先。我估计他爸妈兄弟姐妹都帮忙的。跟我聊天说,其实2个最好拉,最好拉。他忙得够呛阿。
My first daughter now is 22 month old. Originally I was planning to have a second baby in 2012 or 2013.
However, life is full of accidents. I started to work in March 2011. One month later, I got unexpected pregnancy. I felt a little bit embarrassing because I was a new employee. However, I and my husband wanted to keep the second baby. On the other hand, my manager is very nice.
Now I am in 39 weeks and 1 day. I will see my second daughter no later than next Monday. Yep.
Keep this baby, I think everything will work out like ask the help from your family and try any other possible ways.
You can still go to school to take some courses.
Years later, you will never regret your decision.
妹妹劝你留下这个BABY,因为你反正也是准备要两个的。哪有那么好的一切按计划来? 当初偶家老二也是不请自来,知道自己怀孕的当晚偶们俩口都没睡好觉,很受打击,也是觉的刚刚平衡了有奔头的生活又要重新来过了。郁闷了几天也就过了。现在老二四岁多了,还不是日子过的越来越好,而且两个孩子年龄差距小有很多很多的好处。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/2/1 12:17:16编辑过]
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