是啊,我开始也觉得他特傻,没钱进账,就想花钱。但是他是一上任就把医改放在top priority,可不是觉得经济搞不好才搞的。等大家都这么觉得了他没机会通过法案了。还有就是民主党经过克林顿以后失去了majority,在巴马这里拿到了,所以这次是异常团结。
what happened to those high number of people lost jobs? the government paid more when they couldn't get insurance.
what happened to those high number of people lost jobs? the government paid more when they couldn't get insurance.
克林顿时期有提出来,没通过而已, 1993年Clinton Care。。。 这个全民医保是一浪推一浪。。。
I quoted earlier, MA always had debt, no surplus in Romney's years either. Unemployment rate in MA was close to national average, but much lower recently.
克林顿时期有提出来,没通过而已, 1993年Clinton Care。。。 这个全民医保是一浪推一浪。。。
Bush only had half brain, he was voted the most stupid president, he is not in my discussion now.
Romney didn't get surplus, always debt:
“Massachusetts has always had a very high level of debt, but it’s always had a high credit rating too,” said Moody’s spokesman David Jacobson.
Massachusetts lacks a strong system of regional governments that typically pay for their own capital investments. A 2009 state report noted that “many of the capital needs of the entire state are borne by the Commonwealth itself,” which is rather unique.
I think unemployment rate speaks more.
Bush only had half brain, he was voted the most stupid president, he is not in my discussion now.
小树丛还是有娱乐价值的,而且大家可以随便恶搞他。 O8可不敢随便恶搞,一个种族歧视的大帽子就压死人了。
呵呵。。。里根连任那届比较牛。。 那真是祖国山河一片红, 50州赢了49个。。。