大脑在清醒时,合理猜测,wipe off episodic memory 是非常 selective 的。通俗的说,记住的具体题目本身,都是自己做错的题,或者很不容易作对的题。很容易做对的题目本身,大脑一般不去记住,因为没必要。
大脑在清醒时,合理猜测,wipe off episodic memory 是非常 selective 的。通俗的说,记住的具体题目本身,都是自己做错的题,或者很不容易作对的题。很容易做对的题目本身,大脑一般不去记住,因为没必要。
但 REM 快速眼动睡眠的梦境时,大脑 prefrontal cortex 不分青红皂白,所有 episodic memory 一律 wipe off。
合理猜测,这个原因,是梦境是大脑 synthetic dataset 没有必要保留,费硬盘。同时保留过多 synthetic dataset 可能会无法区分现实和幻想,以及 depression 的概率。
看了半天, 主题是啥啊?
或者援引量子力学类比,相当于 quantum state。(没学过量子力学的,忽略本贴)。
而在这个 quantum state,也许能够更好地促进 quantum entanglement 的质量。
同时也没有不要保留太多的 episodic memory,因为按照人文专家的说法,那些 entanglement 也就是 repetition。
保留 implicit memory,以及 oxytocin dopamine serotonin endorphins 等等,那些实际最有价值的东东。
旁证是基于偶尔出现的 quantum spontaneous symmetry breaking 。也就是类比于半夜里,还没有 entangled quantum particle pair,被偶发突如其来的事件吵醒,导致两人都因此睡不着。
而 quantum spontaneous symmetry breaking 一旦发生后,那一对 quantum particles 就需要经过 quantum entanglement 的过程,最后各自重新进入 Quantum REM state。
而这个过程,由于每个 quantum particles 所在的 Higgs field 的差别,可能会发生两次或者三次反复进出 quantum state 的情况,而最终进入 quantum REM state。
而根据量子色动力学 Quantum chromodynamics
而根据量子色动力学 Quantum chromodynamics,当两个 fermions 不断交换 gluon boson ,让所形成的 strong nuclear force 及其 nuclear potential well 一阵接着一阵地 tighten 的时候,well 那边的 fermion 必然是暂时处于 quantum state 里,即使该 state 不够稳定,没有最终进入 quantum REM state,而需要再来一次过程。
另外当 quantum spontaneous symmetry breaking 发生时,因为多次进出 quantum state,这样就需要从外界加入更多一些 quantum quark-gluon plasma ,而只有这样,才能加起来有足够 的 quantum slippery fluid。也是侧面支持该理论。
另外还有一个 matter vs anti-matter 的问题,虽然这相对而言是个次生的小问题。
在这个情况下,matter vs anti-matter 不会相互湮没,因为量子色动力学,两个粒子的量子颜色不同。
但是有一个问题是,anti-matter 所送出的 gluon boson, which is a vector boson, 的 vector 方向经常反过来,导致 matter 粒子没有正确 decode 而正确接收 gluon boson 所携带的信息。
End of encoded message
xinchina 发表于 2021-01-09 22:12
看来 encoding 还算成功
Sex is important but overly rated.
from Quora
“Is sex overrated?”
That’s asking for an evaluation of an experience that occurs between the two, or more, people involved in the act. It all depends upon what you were expecting. If you received less than you expected you would probably say that, to you, at that time, with that partner, sex was overrated. If you received more than you expected you would no doubt say that sex wasn’t overrated. All evaluations are relative. An evaluation is simply a comparison.”
from Quora
“Is sex overrated?”
That’s asking for an evaluation of an experience that occurs between the two, or more, people involved in the act. It all depends upon what you were expecting. If you received less than you expected you would probably say that, to you, at that time, with that partner, sex was overrated. If you received more than you expected you would no doubt say that sex wasn’t overrated. All evaluations are relative. An evaluation is simply a comparison.”
xinchina 发表于 2021-01-11 19:08
所以穷光蛋认为 money is overrated?
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