但是仅有的几次被人称赞还都是从中国带来的衣服 。
但是仅有的几次被人称赞还都是从中国带来的衣服 。
France truely has many great things but the same time Frenches are truely arrogant too.
Growing up, I was taught not to wear fancy and ornate clothes. I think the so-called "Korean style" is too much. But they're so everywhere in China. Girls there seem to be crazy about it...
France truely has many great things but the same time Frenches are truely arrogant too.
Growing up, I was taught not to wear fancy and ornate clothes. I think the so-called "Korean style" is too much. But they're so everywhere in China. Girls there seem to be crazy about it...
true. I guess that it is a generation gap thing to me...I hate those Korean styles. they are for teenager girls, rather than women. I actually like French styles very much. America style is always considered too casual.
To me, French style is rather low key. Better made clothes look simple in styles, but the details are amazing. Italian clothes are more sexy/loud/colorful/(or tacky to some people). American style is more sporty/casual/practical. Asian style in general is fancier. There is not right or wrong.
If you want to blend in the environment, wear things in local style; if you want to stand out, wearing something distinctive will help...as long as you are happy with it, why not?
I am actually curious to hear more from lz's husband....he needs to elaborate more for us to understand what he means. For instance, Emilio Pucci is colorful, too. But it is classic.
It is so funny, make me laugh!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-14 22:00:15编辑过]
What's wrong with dressing like Chinese girl?
你本来就是Chinese girl,就算嫁了法国人入了法国籍,也还是改变不了中国人的肤色和身材啊,打扮得像中国女孩有什么不对的?亚洲人一般比较小巧,所以多一些图案或者亮色能够在细节上起到很多修饰作用,能把简单的颜色和款式穿的好看,那对身材要求就高了。。。当然如果全部都是花里胡哨的衣服,那可能你的确要调整一下wardrobe了。。。总之衣服是穿在自己身上的,大方好看就行了。再说我觉得美国mm也很多穿的挺花的啊,当然也都是比较瘦小的才敢穿;那些T形台上也不是全都黑漆嘛乌的吧。。。
can't agree more..............
agree!!!! where is pp?????????????????????
What's wrong with dressing like Chinese girl?
yeah.. i do not undersetand neither..