这个时机太差了, 经济折磨糟糕, 当然应该全部精力先抓经济, 克林顿那个年代提这个也许大家都支持。
我怎么觉得他这4年政绩几乎没什么拿的出手的, 经济搞的也烂, 只好硬上这个凑政绩了。
re~ 即享受不了低收入的福利,也占不着资本家能占的利益;不是被大政府控制,就被金融寡头控制,选吧~
re~ 即享受不了低收入的福利,也占不着资本家能占的利益;不是被大政府控制,就被金融寡头控制,选吧~
Romney didnt' make MA (traditionally a richer state) better, MA lost a number of big companies during his years, MA’s economic situation is better, less unemployment with governor Patrick.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.5
一般人不是要不要,是只能啦~ 低收入就不说了;这资本家,要是能可能,有多少人不想当啊~
Romney didn't get surplus, always debt:
“Massachusetts has always had a very high level of debt, but it’s always had a high credit rating too,” said Moody’s spokesman David Jacobson.
Massachusetts lacks a strong system of regional governments that typically pay for their own capital investments. A 2009 state report noted that “many of the capital needs of the entire state are borne by the Commonwealth itself,” which is rather unique.
I think unemployment rate speaks more.