以下是引用foxxpo在11/6/2012 4:15:00 PM的发言:
强行通过医改法案 cost dem huge啊。。。巴马可以只做一届,对明主党而言这个损失10年斗未必补的回来他可不傻,他要不是这么快搞,那法案就通不过了。政治资本是瞬间蒸发的。那个时候民主党是majority,而且有克林顿医改失败的经验。
not just social issues. Romney didn't really work with the other party either, he either ignore them or just put the issues aside. Remember Obamacare was Kennedy health care?
我说了恩那 是不爱理你的意思 100%你也想的出来 可能么
not just social issues. Romney didn't really work with the other party either, he either ignore them or just put the issues aside. Remember Obamacare was Kennedy health care?
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/11/6 16:39:20编辑过]
Romney didnt' make MA (traditionally a richer state) better, MA lost a number of big companies during his years, MA’s economic situation is better, less unemployment with governor Patrick.