从不吃.不清楚每种药具体是什么成分,但这类药肯定是有激素调节作用.激素调节的整个系统都非常复杂, 学术界现在都没弄清楚整个网络. 因为这药是全身调节的, 每个人情况又不同,有人觉得皮肤好有人就会恶心,停用后内分泌系统又要不得不重新进行调节,还有一些其他方面的变化你觉察不到,或者没有一定的时间发现不了.
My friend mentioned Patch to me as well. So I went to ask my OB for prescription. He told me the recent research found that the hormone in pathc is too high, so he would not recommend that to me. So I decide to take pills instead. Sigh, I thought I found a good way, since it is hard to remember to take pills everyday. :-( You probably want to check this info.
hehe,I bet your OB is american.
My primary care phycisian said normally american OB does not recommend this since it stimulats vessel clot,mostly for white women.
She mentioned the hormone level is kinda same as pills, the only difference is the way the body absorb the hormone,either through stomach or skin.
Anyway, all thoes birth control are controvercial so far. Maybe since it is against the nature,it always arise some problems.
same here.
看到医学书上说是birth control pill引起的。没办法。。。据说用银耳汤可以调理。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-11 17:58:19编辑过]