Why? Why? Why? married????
Michelle surely did good acting in BBM, but somehow i just don't like her.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-5 13:26:41编辑过]
是拍BBM刚认识的,然后就沟达上了,片子拍完了几个月就怀孕了,然后就有了一个BABY GIRL,现在订昏了还没有结婚.
是拍BBM刚认识的,然后就沟达上了,片子拍完了几个月就怀孕了,然后就有了一个BABY GIRL,现在订昏了还没有结婚.
补充一下~~~~~据目击证人可靠消息,俩人现住Carol Gardens, Brooklyn, New York. 经常光顾周围某家咖啡店
那都是他们两人之间的事,外人谁会知道呢?就象当初tom hanks的老婆看起来也是普普通通的,但人家也一直好了这么多年,还把tom hanks养出那么多“fat”来。。。
是拍BBM刚认识的,然后就沟达上了,片子拍完了几个月就怀孕了,然后就有了一个BABY GIRL,现在订昏了还没有结婚.
结果 李安还牵了红线。。。。。
结果 李安还牵了红线。。。。。
李安可以做证婚人.赫赫. 虽然偶很私心的想他不要结婚. sigh..
very sweet couple,
I like michelle
I don't like her in Dawson's Creek, but found her very talented in BBM and very beautiful on the Oprah show.
They make a great couple, truly wish them happiness
Is she the one in "Dawson's Creek"? I guess I'm right. I don't like her either in "Dawson's Creek". But in these pictures, she's sweet. They are both lucky to have each other.
Again, haven't see BBM yet. Can't stand Heath to be with a guy. He's sooooooooooooooo .... in my heart.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-6 11:11:00编辑过]
Is she the one in "Dawson's Creek"? I guess I'm right. I don't like her either in "Dawson's Creek". But in these pictures, she's sweet. They are both lucky to have each other.
Again, haven't see BBM yet. Can't stand Heath to be with a guy. He's sooooooooooooooo .... in my heart.
No, it won't. Once you watch the movie, you will love him more!!!!!!!!!!!
Will Heath be there too? That' s what i care. hehe
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