He was once so sweet, hehe
same feeling, when he was young.
same feeling, when he was young.
He is still pretty young :)) not 27 yet...
The thing is he doesn't want to look pretty anymore, it seems... He wants to look mature and cool. But as long as he shaves, even in his recent appearance, he still looks sweet and handsome, it's like a gift. I mean with beards he looks more manly and still handsome. hoho
看电影的时候喜欢上了Jake, 看Oprah访谈的时候迷上了Heath
He is still pretty young :)) not 27 yet...
The thing is he doesn't want to look pretty anymore, it seems... He wants to look mature and cool. But as long as he shaves, even in his recent appearance, he still looks sweet and handsome, it's like a gift. I mean with beards he looks more manly and still handsome. hoho
exactly, he is indeed a golden boy.... with shy humor. It is amazing how he disappeared into Ennis in BBM. I like Ennis more than Jack in BBM, or sympathize more with Ennis, to put it more precisely. In real life, Heath is warmer to the heart than Jake. The former is a between a boy and a caring man, the latter is still a growing boy... a hot growing boy.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-4 2:39:08编辑过]
exactly, he is indeed a golden boy.... with shy humor. It is amazing how he disappeared into Ennis in BBM. I like Ennis more than Jack in BBM, or sympathize more with Ennis, to put it more precisely. In real life, Heath is warmer to the heart than Jake. The former is a between a boy and a caring man, the latter is still a growing boy... a hot growing boy.
Can't agree with you more!! //Hand, hand
Heath is so real and so human, never fake never pretend... He says what he really thinks and moves as who he really is. Also as an actor, his performance in BBM is really groundbreaking, it is like acting-less acting, it really touches my heart deeply... I am really obsessed with this telented actor...
Same here..... when I saw his eyes for the first time in the moive....
He was once so sweet, hehe
Yeah. I have the same feeling.
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