以下是引用siss在1/14/2013 8:24:00 PM的发言:http://www.debate.org/opinions/do-females-prefer-males-who-have-circumcised-penises
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.5
"Obviously not! First up, my personal opinion, I think circumcised penises look like mutilated, skinned mushrooms, and there's that ugly scar on it. They seriously gross me out. Get a restoration! Now for some facts, 85% of men, globally, are intact/uncircumcised, and the whole 'preference' thing is merely what women are accustomed to (and what their country's media has spoon-fed them), which would mean around 85% of women in the world prefer intact. It is a known fact that only a small minority in the world still actively practice circumcision (in America and Muslim/Jewish countries). Even the circumcision rate in America has dropped to 33.5% in 2009. Why? Well, let me tell you what, actual science and real medical institutions mention, and why San Francisco almost passed a bill to ban circumcision outright. Circumcision rates are on a steady decline in America. Why? Because -every- single "benefit" you've ever heard about male genital mutilation (circumcision) has been debunked with modern research. What propaganda in American media spews out is actually the -opposite- to what the actual evidence demonstrates: - The foreskin (which is present on an intact penis) has anti-bacterial properties and prevents infection, effectively -reducing- the chance of STD infection and is much cleaner. "Smegma" (Greek for "soap"), the natural lubricant in an intact male penis, is the reason for this (and what's gotten all the absolutely ridiculous blame for everything that was once thought to be "bad" about it). It's also -much-easier to wash than a female's genitals, and here's a little fact that that propaganda doesn't tell you: there is THREE times more smegma behind the labia and under the clitoral hood of a female's genitals than an intact man's, and it does not get auto-cleaned from a vagina either (it's not present inside it). If you really believe the completely false, debunked claims that intact are "unclean", than keep this in mind: the vagina would be THREE TIMES DIRTIER if that was the case. If you want some proof from the world around you that foreskin substantially reduces the risk of STD transmission, bacterial buildup and infection, take a look at real-world facts and add them together: America is the last Western nation to actively practice circumcision and has the highest number of circumcised males from any country in the Western world. Sum that up with this fact: America has the highest rate of STD transmission from any country in the world.| Not enough proof? Check some credible peer-reviewed sources and educate yourself about a sex organ known as the foreskin. - Babies have a -much-higher chance of dying from circumcision than from the almost non-existent penile cancer. - Visit Circumcision.org (the website of a non-profit organization that presents peer-reviewed, verifiable sources for proof of its claims, instead of ridiculous claims made for the 400-million-dollar business that is circumcision), for an actual scientific research that proves that sex with an intact man is -much- more pleasurable and satisfying for the woman than with a circumcised man. And it should be obvious: without a foreskin, vaginal dryness occurs, which can eventually make sex difficult and unpleasurable for the woman since the man's dry glans tends to scoop out the woman's natural lubricant (this explains why most cut men actually require artificial lubricant). - The foreskin has been found to absorb estrogen from the woman's vagina during intercourse, which has a psychological effect on the male which makes him more intimate towards the female. - Intact men can last MUCH longer during sex. Why? An intact man doesn't need to be "near climax" to feel pleasure, while a circumcised male NEEDS to be on the brink of ejaculation in order to feel any pleasure, which tends to make him want to finish as fast as possible. An uncircumcised male enjoys the entire journey (like the female), and unlike a circumcised male, an intact man can actually -feel-, easily, when he is near climax, allowing him to easily prevent it (and also easily prevent getting a girl pregnant by accident!). Hmm. "The teenage birth rate in the United States is the highest in the developed world, and the teenage abortion rate is also high." (http://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/pdf/repcard3e.pdf). I wonder why. America also has the highest rate of erectile dysfunction in the developed world, and also the highest use of Viagara. A recent study had shown that intact penises are statistically larger than circumcised penises. This is due to a circumcised male's penis being restricted from most growth during puberty and childhood (there's a good reason the foreskin is initially adhered to the glans [self-cleaning] during childhood then separates: it's a part of the natural growth process). - The foreskin contains 20 000 nerve endings, while the clitoral hood of a female contains only 8000. These nerve endings are entirely devoted to sexual pleasure, but also pain. Female circumcision was banned in 1997 in America because of the negative trauma that girls grew up with from the pain from the procedure. When the brain of a -male- infant was tested before and after circumcision, the brain waves were disturbed, -permanently- after circumcision; believe it or not, this can have a drastic and permanent effect on their mental wellbeing, even if they pretend to be fine (technically they don't know the difference). A word of warning for mothers: if you're going to have this done to them, watch the procedure yourself. One mother, having watched it, was in mental trauma for decades, from witnessing the horrific screams of her child from the procedure. Well over 100 infants die every year in America from circumcision. ...Also, keep in mind that the vast majority of the "Yes" answers seem to be from both circumcised American males and paid advertisers, and from the looks of it, they had been brainwashed by a 400-million-dollar business. Not even the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends circumcision; and every single thing I've read from their responses are laughably false. Check "Intact and Famous" for a massive list of celebrities who are intact (e.g: Colin Farrell, Elvis Presley, James Dean, Dane Cook, Pierce Brosnan, Will Smith...). And there are several circled celebrities who actually hate the fact that they're circumcised: look them up. It is male genital mutilation that severely damages the man, and the woman as well. Want evidence for my claims? Check them for yourself from -credible-, scientific sources, instead of propaganda from paid media advertisements. And another thing, that comment on the "Yes" section that starts off with "Some want it even mandatory!", judging from the link he or she has given to an article, it's from some third-world African country, and the poster refers to it as his or her own country. They practice that like rituals from a ridiculous, biased, and now-disproven "study" from over a century ago, in a developing African country that didn't know how to practice the scientific method properly at the time. Look up details on that and you'll notice that it was the most ridiculously biased "study" you'll ever see."
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 5.5