Oh, yeah, he is lovely as always.
Is he trying to sing a song while accepting that award?
Which song he is trying to sing?
Who are the George twins that he mentioned during the speech?
because Clooney got 2 best supporting actor nominations, one for Syriana, one for GNGL. That's what 'George Twins' is referring to.
As for the song singing stuff..... It's from last year acceptance speech of Jamie Foxx.
Remember when he got the GB(or Oscar, I don't remember which one), he sang a song and got everyone to rhyme with him.
Jake was in Jarhead with Jamie Foxx, I guess they sort of develop a very close relationship and Jake must have got some wise advices from Jamie, including this one, LOL
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-19 19:08:28编辑过]