re: [but--HOW WAS THE CROWD AS A MOVIE AUDIENCE? You say they asked some really dumb questions--but I've read other reports of good questions asked--so I was wondering, did they shut up most of the time, laugh in the right places, were they crying at the end? I know my experience with seeing the film many times is always a little dependent onbthe people I see it with... ]
That crowd was wonderful---a dream audience in this day of idiots either talking with each other, to the screen or on their cel phones during films. (Oh yeah---whose cel phone's silent buzzer kept going off during the interview portion, huh?! Come on---'fess up! Funny that those things aren't really "silent")! Almost everyone there had seen the film at least once (with a couple newbies, including my sis), so they were all very respectful and seemed to view the film with the same sort of reverence we'd all expect.
Most people giggled when Jake showed surprise at one person mentioning that he'd seen the film ten times. (He'd probably faint if he'd heard that some folks have seen it 20 or 30 times)! The audience certainly showed that they loved what's funny in the film, judging from the laughter, and were as deeply affected by what's sorrowful in it as they probably were on their first viewing. I love it that everyone felt so liberated to the point of cheering when Jack finally tells off that awful father-in-law of his; it's just such a relief and a life-affirming moment, and that seems to be a universal emotion with viewers, especially with last night's audience.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 15:41:53编辑过]