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JAKE and HEATH-- REINVENTED!! Calling All Gyllenhaalic!!! C

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06-02-16 01:21操作

by - bhebbe 7 hours ago (Wed Feb 15 2006 14:20:58 )

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It is probably here somewhere on this thread, but I can't find it. I wanted to make sure it was included in all of your detailed accounts.

Jake spoke about the picture being a movie the audience participates in or contributes to. He also recounted Ang Lee saying to the actors something on the lines of this -- when *YOU* (an actor in BBM) are not speaking, *THATS* when the audience is working and thinking.

This sums up everything which BBM means to me. Thanks Jake!

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 12:53:17编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:21操作

by - muscla_1 1 day ago (Tue Feb 14 2006 01:15:37 )

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All I can say is...wow.

I can die happy now. It was AMAZING to see them up on stage.

I'll post more when I have a chance to process it. One thing that really stood out for me was, after several people thanked everyone involved for such a wonderful movie,
Jake talked about how he can't watch the film, because he became Jack Twist for three months and the feelings that come back with watching the film come back and they're rather hard to deal with.

He then said that it was hard enough for him to live in this character for three months, but that people had to live with it for their whole lives. Very touching.

The last question was more of a statement, that the viewer didn't feel that they've been given a film, but more like a gift. I loved that.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 12:54:13编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:22操作
As to the first post, when Jake made the crack earlier in the Q&A about the totally retro microphone, he sang "Fever night, fever night, fever" from "Saturday Night Fever." A great ice-breaker; he's obviously the outgoing one in the bunch. Heath was very measured and had his arms folded most of the time, a very DELIBERATE fellow. You could see how they had brought their personalities to the roles.

Another great moment was when the two actors were talking about Ang Lee's style. As mentioned previously, they talked about his love of silence, and how they got a lot of preparation before shooting, but when they arrived, Ang gave them little to no direction. Jake then talked about how Ang's silence can be misinterpreted as "sensitive," but then Heath talked about the "violence with the silence," and Jake said something about their being a sword to Ang's silence.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 12:56:51编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:23操作

by - mlewisusc 1 day ago (Tue Feb 14 2006 14:50:42 )

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Jake made another comment that interested me very much. He pointed out that although making the film was an emotional experience AND he had to carry around for three months the emotion of his character, thus making watching parts of the film difficult for him, he also mentioned the obvious point that for he, Heath, and Michelle there is no objectivity regarding the emotional impact of the film on an audience because they were involved in the creative process. However, he looked at Gustavo and said that for him (Jake), listening to the soundtrack brings him that emotional response as a listener, or an audience member, that he can't get from watching the film - I took it as his tribute to Gustavo's score, and his illumination of the actors' difficulty in putting themselves in our shoes.

Really good statement by him, IMO.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 12:57:56编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:25操作

by - surf501 1 day ago (Tue Feb 14 2006 08:29:15 )

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Thanks, when I was saying it, I really even wasn't aware of how people were reacting to what I was saying, I was just concentrating on talking to all of them, but at our post screening gethering at the restaurant, maribel (I think that is how you spell her name - she posts around here) and the friend that she was with her told me that they were looking at Jake when I said what I did and that he was really touched by it, he had this look on his face. I remember him looking at me and I do remember him sort of smiling but my head was spinning so I don't know and I wondered what Heath thought because I just remember him having a serious expression but he tends to look like that alot. Gustavo had a big smiile on his face and said "thank you".

Note: this person said something at the end about "didn't feel that they've been given a film, but more like a gift". this is what this post about.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 13:03:19编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:25操作

by - maribel-3 1 day ago (Tue Feb 14 2006 20:45:25 )

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Jake AND Heath looked sincerely moved and humbled - Jake made a sort of hand gesture to his chest and Heath kind of looked down. It was as if despite all the compliments they have received, it was the first time it was put in those words, as "a gift."

I thought Jake's quote about when he thought Jack died was: "He died when they couldn't be together." I guess it doesn't matter.

I feel so lucky to have been a part of this.

Note: again, this person said something at the end about "didn't feel that they've been given a film, but more like a gift". this is what this post about

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 13:05:51编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:26操作

by - kirkmusic 1 day ago (Tue Feb 14 2006 19:42:18 )

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UPDATED Tue Feb 14 2006 19:44:14

The sound was AWESOME!!! Ennis could be easily understood. Imagine!

I was the guy standing outside with the 3 signs saying "One ticket..." "Please" "I drove from San Francisco" I think nearly everyone who showed up without tickets got them eventually. Thanks again, Zach!

My main reason for going was Gustavo. I'd written a song based on a piece of his score and I wanted to get a copy to him and didn't know how else to reach him. And I did. I asked if he could give it a listen and get back with his opinion of it. He smiled and shook my hand but really, I'm not expecting to hear from him. Hope to get it on the album I'm working on.

But enough about me

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 13:06:28编辑过]

0操作448 #
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06-02-16 01:27操作
Further comment on Jake's response to "Why do people keep asking about the kissing scenes?" The implication was that what people wanted to know is if the two of them had felt any guy on guy love in the process of those scenes. And Jake's thought regarding those asking such questions was "What are you feeling watching it?" I interpreted that as maybe people (meaning straight people) are surprized by how much they feel for these two men, like if they're feeling so much it must be because Heath and Jake are maybe not acting, at least somewhat. Which is silly.

I've gotta say though, I would so date Jake. I don't watch TV and I don't follow the fan press so I'd never seen any interview footage of him and damn! what a smart, fun, engaging personality behing those eyes and that smile!

Gustavo mentioned how he'd always been interested in the use of silence in music and how he was really able to run with that with this score. You can totally hear how a melodic phrase will end and there will be so... much... space... until the next one comes in. The interviewer (a regular writer for Newsweek) called it the loneliest score he'd ever heard.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 13:07:23编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:27操作

by - dog_lover-1 1 day ago (Tue Feb 14 2006 11:03:18 )

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It really was a terrific night! I was just thrilled to see Jake, Heath, Michelle, and getting Diana Ossana, Gustavo, and the cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto were just amazing. I hadn't realized that Rodrigo had played the Mexican prostitute Jack picks up. Rodrigo and Jake apparently had to take 10 tries to get the scene right as Jake kept cracking up!!! Diana gave some very interesting insights into getting the film made. I also got the feeling that Jake and Heath are quite good friends (did anyone else get that?)They kept cracking each other up and looking at one another and filling in each others sentences. I got a chuckle when they introduced them all, they first brought out Michelle, and then Jake (who took a place right next to Michelle), and then Heath. Jake sort of moved over for Heath to be next to Michelle (what a gentleman!). I forget who moderated the discussion, but it was a very good looking young man who introduced himself as "Senior Editor" at Newsweek Magazine. He got a little choked up introducing all the actors saying that the movie just meant so much to him (saying, "Not only is it nominated for Best Picture of the Year, it IS the best picture of the year!") It really was a love fest for everyone there. They asked at the beginning how many people had seen Brokeback. I couldn't see the hands behind me, but certainly it seemed like every hand in front of me went up as having seen the movie before. The actors spent about 40 minutes answering questions. My one complaint was that the moderator should have repeated the questions asked so everyone could know what the actors were addressing. While you could assume what the question was, sometimes I thought, "Huh? What did they ask?". Still it was a magical night, and for only $9--that for the movie, the panel discussion, AND an incredibly beautiful souvenir program.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 13:12:46编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:27操作

by - johntracytb5 1 day ago (Tue Feb 14 2006 11:29:58 )

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UPDATED Tue Feb 14 2006 12:05:47

re: [Yeah, I hadn't realized Rodrigo, the Cinematographer, was the one playing the Mexican prostitute. Rodrigo mentioned how he thought of the scene as his "big chance", and how nervous he was. He was nervous about the lighting, being outside, etc. etc., and just as he was about to give his line ("...senior?"), Jake comes around the corner and busts out laughing. Jake and Rodrigo exchanged laughs about it, and Jake chimed in about it taking "about 10 takes").]

Oh gosh---yes, yes, yes, that was a cute story! (There's SO much to remember from last night and everyone is doing a great job at reporting what they recall of it, thank you)! But what Jake mentioned as a close to this is that the take that's seen in the film (of him walking up to and leaving with Rodrigo) is the only one of around a dozen of them that he didn't ruin by giggling, so that's why it made it! Poor baby---he couldn't even stop giggling right there on the stage, so I can only imagine how hard it was for him to get through the scene during the filming!

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 13:14:01编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:28操作
re: [but--HOW WAS THE CROWD AS A MOVIE AUDIENCE? You say they asked some really dumb questions--but I've read other reports of good questions asked--so I was wondering, did they shut up most of the time, laugh in the right places, were they crying at the end? I know my experience with seeing the film many times is always a little dependent onbthe people I see it with... ]

That crowd was wonderful---a dream audience in this day of idiots either talking with each other, to the screen or on their cel phones during films. (Oh yeah---whose cel phone's silent buzzer kept going off during the interview portion, huh?! Come on---'fess up! Funny that those things aren't really "silent")! Almost everyone there had seen the film at least once (with a couple newbies, including my sis), so they were all very respectful and seemed to view the film with the same sort of reverence we'd all expect. Most people giggled when Jake showed surprise at one person mentioning that he'd seen the film ten times. (He'd probably faint if he'd heard that some folks have seen it 20 or 30 times)! The audience certainly showed that they loved what's funny in the film, judging from the laughter, and were as deeply affected by what's sorrowful in it as they probably were on their first viewing. I love it that everyone felt so liberated to the point of cheering when Jack finally tells off that awful father-in-law of his; it's just such a relief and a life-affirming moment, and that seems to be a universal emotion with viewers, especially with last night's audience.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 15:41:53编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:28操作
Also, I recall that someone had asked how it was that a straight woman could write this script and how she and all the straight men involved could have so perfectly presented the story of these two gay men in such a sensitive, sympathetic and realistic manner. I can't recall her total answer, but Diana mentioned that it shouldn't be too surprising, given that Larry McMurtry had developed or helped to develop such well-rounded female characters in projects such as "Terms Of Endearment" and "Lonesome Dove," which, by inference, should indicate that you don't necessarily have to be gay to understand these characters. (Obviously not, since many members of the film's loyal viewing audience aren't gay either). Jake mentioned also that both of his godparents are gay and he felt that this had helped him in his portrayal of Jack.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 15:42:25编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:28操作

by - RingerFanatic 1 day ago (Tue Feb 14 2006 17:54:39 )

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UPDATED Tue Feb 14 2006 18:09:33

I was SO jazzed to see them pass out those beautiful BBM booklets. The pictures are amazing. Definitely a keepsake.

First off, not to sound like a teenybopper..but man, Jake & Heath are even MORE gorgeous in person! The three actors came onstage looking like they just rolled out of bed, but very sexy looking! Particularly Jake whose hair was all over and looked like he was wearing a hoodie and baggy pants. Heath looked hot in his clean white shirt and mangy beard. I liked their look that night. It was very informal, but they both looked extremely comfortable and super HOT!!!
I was a little taken aback when Michelle came onstage. I know the camera adds pounds, but in person she looked almost anorexic! It could be the leggings she wore, but she looked extremely thin. All three looked very tired. Seriously as if they just came straight from bed. But they all looked happy to be there.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 15:43:27编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:29操作
The first question went to Diana who spoke at length about the whole process of how the project started. I couldn't stop looking at Jake & Heath. They were both so cute. Jake kept whispering to Heath and smiling. Heath just nodded his head, but tried to keep quiet as Diana spoke for what seemed like 10 minutes. It was funny cuz Jake kept talking to Heath and Heath seemed like he was trying to get Jake to pay attention. They looked like two school boys at a lecture trying to pay attention.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 15:43:56编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:29操作
Next question went to Gustavo about how he came up with the music. Someone already posted about his response.

Then Rodrigo was asked about the cinematography. The moderatory then asked to talk about his cameo and he replied, "I was the Mexican". In addition to what the other posters already wrote about this, Jake spoke up and said the reason he laughed was because the tracking was actually much longer than what's on film. He said he had to walk through the streets of Mexico, through the marketplace, around the corner...and apparently it was much longer so when he finally reaches Rodrigo he just laughed. And might I add that when Jake laughs with all his teeth showing and throwing his head back...he is just too cute for words! He IS Jack Twist.

Jake also coughed throughout the Q&A and whispered to Heath while other people spoke. Michelle spoke once when asked about why Alma stayed with Ennis as long as she did. She is extremely soft-spoken, but she got a loud applause when the moderator commented that she did a great job.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 15:45:09编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:30操作
I also thought it was funny when someone asked, "what do you think happened to Ennis after the movie?" Heath replied "Not much" (laughter) and Jake followed with "He meets Jack's son". The audience's reaction was funny cuz it was a mixture of laughs and "ughs!" LOL.

I didn't quite get the "kissing subtext" question either, but I think she was referring to the Oprah segment and asking why people are so interested to ask how it was kissing each other. Jake has a nice long comment about he doesn't know why people are interested. He said "is it because it's two straight guys? I don't know the answer". He went on to say that people get too involved with the concept and it spreads into other areas like calling into questions about peoples' sexual orientation (meaning his and Heath's and other actors who play gay characters)and so forth. He basically threw it back to the questioner and asked "what IS the subtext? Why do you want to know?" Or something to that effect.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 15:45:39编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:30操作
When asked about Ang's direction, Heath drank from his water bottle and said, "I need water to answer this one". (laughter) All three actors laughed about how Ang doesn't say anything to them. Heath said the same stuff he said on Leno about how Ang directs. When he started to lose his thoughts, Jake saved him and picked up from where he left off. Jake said people think Ang is quiet, sensitive and gentle (which he is), but at the same time he can also be ...and he and Heath look at each other and both say "violent!" Didn't quite know what that meant, but Jake continued to say that Ang is sharp as a sword (paraphrasing). I think they meant that Ang is not a quiet pushover. The man knows what he wants and knows how to get it. Brilliant. I really wish the man was there last night.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 15:46:18编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:30操作

also thought it was great hearing Jake say that as an actor involved with the movie, since he was not involved with the musical score he is always moved when watching the ending with the music playing. I also loved the comment about Jack dying when they couldn't be together.

Which is connected to the next question of "How did Jack really die". Jake's answer was great! First he said after a small pause, "I'm still here!" (laughter). I'm not sure if the person asking mistakenly said Jake or Jack. He said everyone always needs a solid answer. He said rationaliztion is a cancer. It's more about revelation. I couldn't agree more. Diana continued this thought and said that not knowing something...not having a concrete answer is part of Ennis' tragedy. She said particularly when a loved one dies and there's no real answer...it eats at you and that's the tragic part of the story. I agree. People always want the definitive answer to everything. I think that open ended question is more thought provoking.

After Jake went on for awhile about how it's better not having a definite answer...Heath says to him in a deadpan voice, "So...how did he die?" (laughter!)

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 15:47:24编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:31操作
Someone then asked if the actors had any special techniques to separate filming these sad characters and not taking them home with them. Heath said there's no technique, but that it's hard not to take some of that home. But he said it's like having a big knot in the back of your neck and you just have to release it...he went on about this for sometime and I noticed that as he was talking, Jake had his head in his hand as if he had a huge migraine or something. Maybe he was experiencing one of those knots Heath was talking about. LOL. Poor baby.

I loved one audience member who thanked the entire panel for making the movie and how this movie really captured his life and thousands of other men as well who grew up like Jack & Ennis. At one point he said something like "I thank you two crazy straight boys". I thought that was so funny, yet cute. They seemed genuinely touched.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 15:48:33编辑过]

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06-02-16 01:31操作
At the beginning, the moderator said something about Jake playing Jack who is the chattier of the two characters. Jake looked like "who me?" I'm telling you. I was never a huge Jake fan...but after tonight I want me some Jake!!! The boy is too adorable for his own good. It really is amazing how these young actors were able to portray such depth and maturity on film. They really look young in person. It's an attribute to their stellar acting abilities to be able to pull it off.

I do agree with other posters that the "final" question was somewhat lame. The guy had his hand up, but when the moderator chose him, he looked shocked and scared! He spoke really quiet and asked whether Heath was in the background of the Mexico scene since he's such a chameleon. Heath just said "uh-no". LOL. Even the moderator thought that was a sucky question to end on, so he chose another "final" question.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 15:49:06编辑过]
